


>(ゆっくり)悲報 日本共産党大炎上!石上好一支持者「自衛隊は人〇しの集団」「被災地に立ち入るな!」共産党地震被災地に募金開始「パーティ券裏金疑惑真相究明を!

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 1/3)


> 共産党に募金するとお金が行方不明になる・・・という元共産党の方の証言。
A testimony by a former (Japanese) Communist Party member that when you donate to the JCP, the money goes missing.



> 共に民主党代表で逮捕まぢかだと言われている李在明氏には、昨日の殺傷(ママ)事件でも「自作自演」説が根強くあるようだ。
> 日頃の行いかな。

It seems that there is a deeply rooted "self-made and performed" theory to Lee Jae-myung -- the chairman of "Democratic Party of Korea," who is said to be on the verge of arrest -- in connection with yesterday's (attempted) murder case.
Maybe, it's due to his daily behaviors.



> 今回の "NHK大河ドラマ"は、"韓国歴史ドラマ"っぽいな。
> 主人公が紫式部なら何でもあり。
> 平安時代離れしたドロドロの陰謀劇が渦巻きそう。
> 見ないけどね。

The NHK Taiga Drama this time looks like a "Korean historical drama."
Anything is possible if, as the main character is Murasaki Shikibu.
A murky conspiracy drama that is far removed from the Heian period seems to be brewing.
However, I don't view it.

> 最近、民間や公的機関で、一般中国人による情報持ち出しが急増している。
> 中国政府は 2017年に国家情報法を成立させて、在外中国人を無理やり「スパイ化」できるようになった。
> これを防ぐにはセキュリティー・クリアランスの厳格化が必要。

Recently, the number of information taking out by ordinary Chinese persons from private and public institutions has been steeply increasing.
Beijing enacted the "National Intelligence Law" in 2017, which made it possible to forcibly turn Chinese overseas residents into "spies."
To prevent this, security clearances need to be tightened.

>"中国人による情報持ち出し事件相次ぐ 拭えぬ「民間人スパイ活動」の懸念、当局が警戒"