
>'【動画】DJ SODAさん、ファンに "連続投げキッス"'



> アンミカのどん兵衛CMに井川意高氏が私見「マーケティングの歴史に残る大失敗だわな」が話題

Translation; "As expected her husband" & "It's like a painting," fans were enchanted = "superb view" sunset photos shot by the husband of the illegal immigrant (* aka Ahn Mika) are excellent!

>"アンミカ、夫・撮影の "超絶景"サンセットショットが素敵!「さすが旦那様」「絵みたい」とファンうっとり"

> モデルでタレントのアンミカが 30日までに自身の SNSを更新。
> ハワイでの絶景夕焼けショットを公開した。

By Dec. 30, a model doubling TV performer ilegal immigrant (* aka Ahn Mika) newly posted on her social media.
She opened stunning sunset photos in Hawaii.

> インスタグラムで「バカンス2日目、曇り空の中のグラデーションが美しいサンセットを、夫が趣味のカメラでおさえてくれましたよ」とつづり、幻想的な夕日を背景にしたショットや夫婦でディナーを楽しむ様子をアップ。

On Instagram, she wrote that "On the 2nd day of our vacation, my husband took photos showing the beautiful gradation sunset in the cloudy sky with his hobby camera" and uploaded photos showing a magical sunset in the background, the couple enjoying dinner, etc.
She loocked back that "Every time I think is that the momentary beauty of nature is the best form of art."

> この投稿にファンからは「絵みたい」「さすが旦那様はミカさんの魅力を自然に引き出してくださいます」「素晴らしい景色ですね」「アンミカさんのドレス姿とサンセットが相乗効果!うつくしい」「いつも癒しと安心を有難う御座います」などのコメントが寄せられている。
In response to the post, fans are posting comments as follows;
"They are like paintings."
"As expected, your husband naturally withdrew the charm of illegal immigrants."
"Wonderful views."
"The illegal immigrant's dress and sunset have a synergistic effect! Beautiful."
"Thank you for always giving me healing and peace of mind."