


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '23. 12/31)


> 中国の尖閣領有には1㍉も根拠がない事は『>"尖閣1945"』に記した通りだが日本が中国の海上ブイを撤去できなかった事で事態は "新段階"に進んでしまった。
> 2024年中国は毎日必ず尖閣周辺に艦船を派遣し日本漁船の立入り検査までやるそうだ。
> 海上ブイを放置した岸田首相の責任。
> 国民にとって "覚悟なき領袖"は災厄

As I wrote in [Senkaku 1945], there is not even one millimeter of basis for China's territorial right of the Senkaku Islands. However, Japan's failure to remove the China's maritime buoy has pushed the situation to a "new stage."
In 2024, China will allegedly send vessels to the Senkaku area every day and will even conduct on-site inspection of Japanese fishing boats.
PM Kishida is responsible for leaving the offshore buoy.
It's impossible for PM Kishida to do what Prime Minister Abe did to threaten Xi Jinping, saying that "Don't misjudge my resolve (for the Senkaku Islands)."
The "leader without resolution" is a disaster for the nationals.

> 習近平氏が海警局に「1㍉たりとも領土は譲らない。釣魚島の主権を守る闘争を不断に強化せよ」と増強指示。
> 2024年は毎日必ず尖閣周辺に艦船を派遣し日本漁船の立入り検査の計画を策定した事も判明。
> ご冗談を。
> 中国に尖閣領有の根拠は1㍉もない。
> 固有の領土尖閣を日本人の遺骨が守っている

Xi Jinping instructed the China Coast Guard to strengthen the force, saying that "We will not compromise our territory even by one inch. Ceaselessly upgrade our struggle to defend the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands."
It also turned out that a plan has been drawn up to dispatch vessels to the Senkaku area every day and conduct on-site inspection of Japanese fishing boats in 2024.
No kidding.
There is not even the slightest basis for China to claim territorial right of the Senkaku Islands.
Read [Senkaku I945].
The remains of Japanese persons defend the Japanese inherrent territory Senkaku Islands.

>"習氏「1ミリも領土は譲らない」 尖閣諸島の闘争強化を指示"


> 2024年、習近平氏は毎日必ず尖閣周辺に艦船を派遣し、必要な時は日本漁船の立入り検査をやる事を決定したそうだ。
> 中山義隆石垣市長は「>"年の瀬に物騒なニュースが流れてきました。"話し合いで解決を"と言われる方は是非話し合いに行かれ解決して下さい。話し合いでは解決出来ない国があるので自国の領土領海、国民を守るための防衛力は必要です"」と。
> 海上ブイも撤去せず、この事態を生んだ岸田首相を代える事が最優先

Xi Jinping allegedly decided to send vessels to the Senkaku area every day in 2024, and to conduct on-site inspection of Japanese fishing ships when necessary.
Ishigaki City Mayor Yoshitaka Nakayama X-posted that 'Toward the end of the year, a disturbing news is reported. If you say that "Let's resolve this through dialogue," please visit (China) to talk and resolve it. There are countries with whom we can't settle matters through negotiation, we therefore need a defense force in order to defend our own territory, territorial waters, and the nationals.
The top priority is to replace PM Kishida, who caused the situation by not removing the marine buoy.

> 移民大国化した欧米の惨状は明日の日本。
> 遂に米では12月の不法越境者が月間新記録の 28万人突破。
> 島田洋一氏は「バイデン政権下累計で約 900万人。偽善政治家がもたらす国境崩壊。かつては "文明"を旗印に先進国が後進国を植民地化したが、今は "人権"を旗印に後進国が先進国を植民地化する」と。
> やって来た "逆襲の時代"

The dire situation in the Western countries, which have become major immigrant powerhouses, is what Japan will look like tomorrow.
Finally, the number of illegal border crossers in the U.S. in December exceeded 280,000, a new monthly record.
Yoishi Shimada X-posted that "The cumulative total under the Biden administration is about 9 million ones. It's the border-collapse caused by hypocritical politicians. In the past, developed countries colonized underdeveloped countries under the banner of [civilization]. Now, underdeveloped countries are colonizing developed countries under the banner of [human rights]."
The "era of counterattack" has come.
