Ref.>"Xi Jinping, Ancient Chinese Prophecies, Superstitions, and the Real Reason for the Rocket Force Purges"

>"中国軍高官が党理論紙で「軍内に敵対勢力の思想が浸透しつつある」と指摘 中国軍内で「米軍優位」の思考の拡がりに強い警戒感"

>"朝日新聞「30分で知事の権限奪った代執行」⇒ コミュニティノート「沖縄県が法定受託事務の執行を怠っていた状態を是正する処置です」⇒ 元朝日新聞記者・峯村健司氏「コミュニティーノートに是正される報道機関…」"


>【2023年】独断と偏見でしか選ばない「デイリー WiLL流行語大賞」発表会【白川司✕山根真=デイリーWiLL】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '23. 12/30)


> 全人代が軍司令官9人を突如解任したと新華社通信が報じる。
> 習近平主席による一連の更迭に続くものらしく、軍粛正の動きがまだまだ続いている。
> 9人中5人は人民解放軍ロケット軍の出身。

Xinhua News Agency reports that the National People's Congress suddenly dismissed nine Chinese PLA commanders.
This appears to follow a series of reshuffles by President Xi Jinping, the Chinese PLA purge movement is therefore still continuously done.
Five of the nine are from the PLA's Rocket Force.

>"中国全人代、元ロケット軍司令官ら9人を解任 -- 理由示されず"


> こんなレベルの人が日本のトップだったという事実に寒気がする。

When he is objected by many persons that "When you was prime minister, it's you who made the cabinet decision to relocate Henoko," (Yukio Hatoyama) starts to say an outrageous thing without hesitation that "I was shown fake documents by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."
The fact that the person with such level was at the top of Japan makes me frightened.



> 斉藤国土大臣が辺野古への移設工事を県に代わって代執行したことについて、岸田首相が「沖縄県知事が司法判断に従った対応をしなかったため、法令にのっとって対応した」と述べる。
> 事実上の玉城デニー知事との決別宣言。
> さよならデニーさん👋

Regarding that the relocation work to Henoko, "proxy execution" was done by Minister of Land, Land, and Land Saito on behalf of the prefectural authority, PM Kishida said that "As the governor of Okinawa Pref. did not handle the case in accordance with the judicial decision, that he did so in accordance with the law."
It's a declaration of separation from Gov. Denny Tamaki in practice.
Goodbye Denny Tamaki👋



> ニューヨーク市長はテキサス州などが移民を送り込むバスの制限を発表(到着時間を指定し、32時間前までに通告を求める)。
> 同市は昨年から16万人以上の移民を受け入れ、不法移民による犯罪が急上昇し、財政も逼迫。
> だが、バイデン政権はメキシコ国境問題で無策。
> 綺麗事しか言わない民主党大統領や民主党市長を選ぶからこうなる。

New York mayor released restriction on buses transporting migrants by US-TX, etc. -- designates arrival times and requires 32 hours in advance notices.
The city has accepted more than 160,000 immigrants since last year. As the result, crimes committed by illegal immigrants are skyrocketing, and its finace is also strained.
However, the Biden administration is ineffective on the Mexican border issue.
This is what happens because (U.S. eligible voters) elected the Democratic President and Democratic mayor who only talk about fine skills.

>"As Migrant Arrivals Surge, Adams Sets Controls on Bus Arrivals"


> NHKからの退職者が増加。
> 優秀な人材から抜けているとか。
> 左翼だけの巣窟になる日も近そう。

The number of employees retiring from NHK is increasing.
Excellet human resources are allegedly leaving from NHK.
The day will be probably soon, when it becomes a den of leftists.

>"NHK職員の退職者が4年で倍増か 年収1000万円超の管理者も辞めていくワケ"


> 日本がいかに素晴らしい国かは外国との比較で炙り出せる。
> めいろまさんの投稿を見よ。

You can see how wonderful Japan is by comparing it with other countries.
See Meiroma's X-post.
