


> 仲村俊子さんを偲ぶ会

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '23. 12/29)


> 香港警察が周庭さんを保釈違反をしたとして指名手配へ。
Agnes Chow Ting is wanted by Hong Kong police for violating the bail-term.

>"香港警察、周庭氏を指名手配へ 28日に出頭せず 保釈条件に違反"


> NHKは毎日新聞の西山太吉氏を美化するつもりか。
> スクープが欲しくて暴走して外務職員女性の人生をめちゃくちゃにしたのは西山氏だろうに。

Does NHK try to glorify Mainichi Shimbun reporter Taikichi Nishiyama?
Even though it was probably Taikichi Nishiyama who went out of control because he wanted a scoop and ruined the life of a female foreign ministerial staff.



> 玉城デニー氏はもともとアメリカ大好きで、自由党にいて沖縄県で辺野古移転を推進する役割を担っていた。
> 今や中国に言いなりの沖縄県庁に言いなりの反基地活動家と化している。
> 保守とか革新ではなく、自分がない単なる傀儡(あやつり)人形では?
> 阿部さんも都合が良い知事だから応援しているだけでしょ。

Originally, Denny Tamashiro was a U.S. lover and a member of the LDP, and took a role to promote the relocation to Henoko in Okinawa Pref.
In nowadays, he has become an anti-base activist who obeys the Okinawa prefectural government which does just as China says.
It's not matter of conservative or liberal, but he is just a puppet (marionette) without himself, isn't it?
Okinawa Times reporter Takashi Abe has just supported him because he is a convenient governor for him, hasn't him!?



> 経済データだけで「日本は貧しくなった」とディスる人が多いが、平均寿命や乳幼児死亡率の低さ、訪日客の治安に対する満足度などを見れば、日本なりの「豊かさ」も実現している。
> 日本らしい良い部分を残すことも、課題として重要。

There are many persons who disgrace it based only onthe economic data, saying that "Japan has become poor." However, if you look at the average life expectancy, low infant mortality rate, and the level of satisfaction with safety among visitors to Japan, Japan has achieved its own edition of affluence.
It's also important to preserve the good parts of Japan.

>"豊かさ、実は米国超え 日本は「憧れの国」No.1"