Ref.>"「炭鉱現場、待遇の差なかった」 九大・三輪宗弘教授"

>"<独自>軍艦島「給料袋」など追加展示 ユネスコ評価決議受け産業遺産情報センター"

>"Ex-Requisitioned Worker Lawsuit: S. Korean Govt Should Minimize Impact of Unreasonable Court Ruling"

> ひとりごと「【悲報】韓国最高裁 元徴用工訴訟で日本企業の上告を棄却!賠償を命じる!!」

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "Close the fruitless controversy" = Prof. Miwa at Kyushu University claimed to S. Korea to release documents on the process of "coscripted workers" coming to Japan


> 韓国最高裁は徴用工を主張する韓国人の遺族らが損害賠償を求めた訴訟で5年ぶりに日本企業への賠償命令を確定させた。
> 徴用に詳しい九州大学附属図書館付設記録資料館の三輪宗弘教授(経営史)は「朝鮮半島出身者に対し日本政府が強制的に内地で働かせ、差別的な待遇を組織的に働かせていたというのは実態と異なる」と述べ、政治決着が蒸し返される状況について「韓国側に戦時労働者が来日した経緯に関する資料を公開させ、不毛な論争に終止符を打つべきだ」と指摘する。

The Supreme Court of Korea has finalized the compensation-order to the Japanese companies for the 1st time in five years in the lawsuits in which S. Korean beveaved of S. Korean asserting to be (former) conscripted workers and so on seek compensation.
Prof. Munehiro Miwa at the archive museum attached Kyushu University Library, whi is familiar with the conscription, said that "It contradicts with the reality that Tokyo forced the Korean Peninsula natives work in the mainland and systematically subjected them to discriminatory treatment" and pointed out that "We should make the S. Korean side release materials on how wartime workers came to Japan and put an end to the fruitless controversy."

> 今回の訴訟を巡っては日本製鉄(旧新日鉄住金)に勤務した7人と三菱重工業の元挺身隊員ら4人の韓国人と遺族が 2013~14年に提訴。
> 1、2審で原告が勝訴し最高裁が 21日に日本企業の上告を棄却し、計11億7千万ウォン(約1億3千万円)の賠償が確定した。
> 戦時徴用に関して日本企業への賠償命令が確定するのは 2018年11月以来。
> 今回は損害賠償請求権の効力が時効で消滅しているかどうかが焦点だったという。

The lawsuits were filed in 2013 and 2014 by S. Koreans and their bereaved of seven persons worked at Nippon Steel (former Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal) and four members of former girls volunteer labor corps worked at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
The plaintiffs won in the 1st and 2nd instances, and the Supreme Court of Korea dismissed the Japanese companies' appeals on Dec. 21, therefore the compensation of totally 1.17 billion won (approx. \130 million) was finalized.
This is the 1st time since Nov. 2018 that orders to compensate Japanese companies for wartime conscription were finalized.
This time, the focal point was allegedly whether or not the right to claim compensation for damages was expired due to the statute of limitations.

> 三輪氏は日韓賠償問題に関して「個人補償を含め完全かつ最終的に解決」で合意した1965年の日韓請求権協定を踏まえた上で「一時的に政治決着しても、蒸し返されることが改めて浮き彫りになった。事実に基づき両国関係の溝を埋めることが学者や歴史研究者に要求されている。請求権の時効消滅などではなく、問題の根本について事実関係で争えばいい」と提起する。
Concerning the Japan-S. Korea compensation issue, after taking the Japan-RoK claim rights agreement (1965) in which "complete and final settlement was agreed including individual compensation" in maind, Prof. Miwa proposes that "It has become clear once again that, even if a temporary political settlement is done, it's re-problematized (by S. Korean side). Scholars and historical researchers are required to bridge the gap between the two countries based on the facts. It's better to dispute the root of the problem based on the facts, rather than the expiration of the statute of limitations for claims."

> 三輪氏の調査では韓国の国家記録院やソウル市教育庁に半島出身の戦時労働者が来日した経緯が盛り込まれた「学籍簿」が保管されているとみられる。

According to the survey by Prof. Miwa, the "National Archives of Korea" & "Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education" seem to have "school register(s)" containing information on how wartime workers from the peninsula came to Japan.
Prof. Miwa said that "Due to the wall of personal information, it wasn't openned. However, the issue of [forceful recruitment] has developed into a political issue which has been continuously deteriorated Japan-S. Korea relations. Tokyo therefore should ask the S. Korean side to release the student register(s). It should be clarified that how the actual situation of [forceful recruitment] claimed by the S. Korean plaintiffs is different from the reality so much."