

>'北朝鮮に金が流れた可能性も 警視庁公安部が千代田区にある朝鮮総連傘下の貿易会社「東海商事」と中央区の「東明商事」に家宅捜索 畳の材料 "稲わら"の輸入代金を迂回送金か'

>【2022/11/21収録:韓国レーダー照射問題のウラ?】また韓国が日本をバカにした?レーダー照射問題と徴用工問題で岸田総理は○○?邪推をしてみました ③【洋一の部屋】髙橋洋一×北村晴男×山下裕貴

Translation; On Dec. 21, the Supreme Court of Korea will hand down the first sentence in the former conscripted workers lawsuit in five years

>"元徴用工訴訟、21日に判決 韓国最高裁で5年ぶり"

> 韓国最高裁は 21日、植民地時代の強制動員に損害賠償を求めた韓国人の元徴用工と元朝鮮女子勤労挺身隊員らの訴訟で5年ぶりに判決を言い渡す。
> 日本製鉄(旧新日鉄住金)と三菱重工業をそれぞれ相手取った訴訟で、下級審では原告が勝訴している。

On Dec. 2t, the Supreme Court of Korea will hand down the first sentence in five years in a lawsuit filed by former S. Korean conscripted workers and former Korean girls volunteer labor corps, who sought compensation for damages caused by (* not) forced mobilization during the annexation (* not colonial) period.
The plaintiffs won in lower courts in the lawsuits against Nippon Steel (formerly Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

> 最高裁は 2018年、別の原告による同種の訴訟で、両社に賠償を命じる確定判決を出した。
> 日本政府は1965年の日韓請求権協定で解決済みだと反発し、両国関係が悪化した。
> 韓国最高裁では元徴用工や元挺身隊員を巡り、今回の2件を含め9件の訴訟が係争中。
> 最高裁は今月 28日、三菱重工を訴えた2件、日立造船を訴えた1件についても判決を言い渡す。

In 2018, the Supreme Court of Korea issued a finalized verdict in a similar lawsuit filed by another plaintiff, which ordered both companies to pay compensation.
Tokyo was displeased, saying that the issue was covered in the 1965 Japan-RoK claims rights agreement, and the bilateral relations deteriorated.
Nine lawsuits, including the two ones this time, are pending in the Supreme Court of Korea regarding former conscripted workers and former Korean girls volunteer labor corps.
On Dec. 28, the Supreme Court of Korea will also hand down sentences in two lawsuits filed against MHI and one lawsuit against Hitachi Ship Building.