Ref.>"萩生田政調会長、辞任の意向固める… 近く辞表を提出へ"


>"【話題】『献金』→ 外国人NG、『パーティ券購入』→ 外国人 OK"

>"【文春】西村康稔経産相、捜査中に「架空パーティ」を開催「経産官僚をサクラに… 儲けは1回数百万」"

> 新党立ち上げの前原誠司氏が顔面蒼白 ww連合、前原新党の推薦白紙に・・で完全終了!

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Channel Seiron]. "We won't be tainted" by the JCP, former CCPJ (* not CDPJ) head Yukio Edano expressed so -- Shigeyuki Mizuuchi (desk of The Sankei Shimbun) explains that

>"[チャンネル正論]. 共産党に「染まらない」立憲・枝野幸男氏 解説は産経・水内デスク"

> 10日投開票の東京・江東区長選は自民、公明、都民ファースト推薦の候補が勝利した。
> これだけスキャンダルまみれでも勝利したのは野党票が分散したからだ。
> 共産党との連携を訴える立憲民主党の枝野幸男前代表は「(共産党に)絶対に染まらない自信がある」と強調するが、果たしてそうなのか。
> 枝野氏から直接取材した水内茂幸デスクが解説する。
> 聞き手は月刊「正論」発行人有元隆志。

The candidate recommended by the LDP, Komei Party and Tomin First no Kai won the election for mayor of Koto Ward in Tokyo, which was voted & counted on Dec. 10.
The reason why it won despite with so many scandals was because the votes of the opposition parties were dispersed.
Former CCPJ (* not CDPJ (Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan) but Constitutional Communist Party of Japan) head Yukio Edano, who calls for cooperation with the Japanese Communist Party (JCP), emphasizes that "I'm confident not be tainted by the JCP." However, is it really the case!?
Shigeyuki Mizuuchi (desk of The Sankei Shimbun digital news dept.), who directly covered Edano, explains that in the following footage.
The interviewer is Takashi Arimoto, publisher of the monthly "Seiron" (who is a former director of the political dept. of The Sankei Shimbun).

> 共産党に「染まらない」立憲・枝野幸男氏 解説は産経・水内デスク