Ref.>"DJ SODAの食べ方が下品と批判の声"

>"井川意高さん「そもそも 帰化制度 従来日本人に メリット ある?」"



>アンミカ「密入国疑惑」~ 小型ボート(上陸用舟艇)に乗り来日【済州島】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '23. 12/12)


> 1970年代に韓国人が家族で日本に移住する方法は何だ?

> 当時は海外旅行さえ自由に出来なかった時代で、旅券発行は公務員、大手企業職員くらい。
> 留学もかなり難しかった。
> 国際結婚して海外移住はあったが(招聘)、家族で移住?
> それは南米農業移民くらい🤔

What's the means that a S. Korean family immigrated to Japan in the 1970s?

Around that time, (S. Koreans) couldn't even travel abroad freely. Passports were almost only issued to civil servants and employees of major companies.
Studying abroad was also quite difficult.
There were cases of international marriage and moved overseas (invitation), but moving as a whole family?
It's only agricultural immigration to South America🤔



> 国策でパラグアイ🇵🇾への移民が多かったです
As a state policy, there were many immigrants to Paraguay🇵🇾.