Ref.>"麻生派からの 500万円、岩屋元防衛相の資金管理団体が不記載…「事務的なミス」"

>"【動画】NHK党・浜田聡議員「暇空茜に対し Colabo側は誹謗中傷と問題のすり替えを行ってる」「大手メディアは Colabo側の立場」…etc"

> NHK取材メモ流出にあるベテラン記者「この会社がもはや終わっていることを示す象徴的な不祥事です」が話題

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '23. 12/9)


> 浜田聡議員(NHK党)が「Colaboによる適切とは思えない会計処理を指摘しているのが暇空茜氏である。氏に対し Colabo側は誹謗中傷と問題のすり替えを行っている。大手メディアはColabo側の立場をとり、内容は Colabo、そして避難所からの一方的なもの。暇空氏を弾圧するものだ」と。
> 正論を語る議員は貴重

UH Lawmaker Satoshi Hamata (NHK Party) stated that "It's Himasora Akane who has pointed out the Colabo's accounting treatment which can't be seen appropriate. Colabo has been slandering him and shifting the focal point. Major media are on the Colabo's side, and the content is one-sided from the Colabo and Hinanjo, and what suppressing Himasora."
The lawmaker who talks the just argument is valuable.



> 言論封殺は全体主義の特徴。
> 反対意見を弾圧する事はこの党にとっては日常。
> 今年の除名騒動でも立証済み。
> 査問、除名、弾圧はあなた方の真骨頂です

Suppression of speech is a characteristic of "totalitarianism."
Suppressing dissent is routine for this party (* the JCP).
The expulsion troubles this year has proven that too.
It's X-post states that "We apologize for the inappropriate tweet (* now X-post). We meant it to protest against Kadokawa's attempt to publish a trans-discriminatory book. However, the expression was inappropriate."
Inquiry, expulsion and oppression are your true essence.

> 岸田首相が松野博一官房長官更迭を固めた、と読売。
> 2019年9月~ 2021年10月に清和会事務総長だった松野氏はパーティー券還流疑惑に関して説明を拒み続けており、首相も続投困難と判断へ。
> 実行されれば岸田内閣で不祥事等の閣僚辞任は5人目。
> 政権の要を失えば岸田内閣 "万事休す"

The Yomiuri Shimbun reports that PM Kishida has fixed a policy to replace CCS Hirokazu Matsuno.
Matsuno, who was director-general of Seiwakai from Sept. 2019 to Oct. 2021, has continuously refused to explain the suspicion of party ticket fund return, the prime minister therefore is making a judgment that it's difficult for him to be continuously in office.
If it's done, he will be the 5th cabinet member to resign due to scandals in the Kishida Cabinet.
If the key to the government is lost, the Kishida Cabinet will be "the end."



> 政治資金パーティーで得た金を政治資金として処理せず、わざわざ裏金にする理由は、それだけ "裏金が必要"だから。
> 例えば県議や市議による "票の取りまとめ"には "ご苦労さん!"と裏金を渡すのが政界の慣習。
> だが政治資金にしない以上 "脱税"になる。
> これは金額の大きさが問題。
> 特捜部の線引きと決断に注目

The reason why money obtained from a political fund party is not treated as political fund but slush fund is that "slush fund is so necessary."
For example, it is customary in the political circle to hand over slush money to prefectural and city assembly members for their "collecting votes," saying that "Thank you for your hard work!"
However, unless it's handled as political fund, it's considered "tax evasion."
In this case, what doess matter is the amount of money.
The line drawing and a decision made by the special investigation squad shoud be paid close attention.

> アンミカ氏が "切り取り報道"だけで杉田水脈氏を語っている事が残念。
> 新潮 45の杉田氏の当該論文は読み応えがあった。
> 杉田氏は「>"私は少子化対策が日本の一番の課題だと思っていますのでアンミカさんのように不妊治療をしていらっしゃる方々にこそ、もっと税金を使うべきだと寄稿文に書いています。また不妊治療の保険適用を推進する議連の事務局次長として実現に尽力しました"」と。
> レッテル貼りの左翼日本が行きつく先は何なのか

It's sorry that Ahn Mika talks about LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) based on only "cut out reports."
Sugita's contributed paper placed in "Shincho 45" was worth reading.
Sugita X-posted that "I think that countermeasures against the declining birthrate is the Japan's greatest challenge. Therefore, I wrote in my contribution that more tax money should be spent on persons like "Ahn Mika," who was undergoing infertility treatment. In addition to that, as the deputy secretary-general of the lawmakers league to promote insurance coverage for infertility treatment, I worked hard to realize that."
What's the destination of the labeling leftists Japan!?