
>"【大阪万博】建設費2350億と当初の1.9倍に開催反対の声も… 維新・馬場代表が断言「絶対にやめない」"

>"原口議員「コロナ禍で消費税を上げたのは日本だけ」→ コミュノ「違う」→ 原口議員「コロナ禍は、既に2019年から!紛れもない事実だ!」→ コミュノ「違う」"


>【杉田水脈】令和5年11月 22日対談 地方自治体の現場から part2【若林洋平】

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '23. 11/27)


> アイヌを理由にした差別があってはならないのは当たり前。
> 何度も説明していますが、人権侵犯の対象となったブログはアイヌ民族について書いたものでない。
> 女子差別撤廃委員会に参加していた左派の活動家について書いたものです
> 野党やマスコミはなぜ「アイヌ民族を差別した」と報道するのか、疑問です

It's as a matter of course that there should be no discrimination based on Ainu people.
As I explained many times, the blog that was the subject of human rights violations was not written about the Ainu.
I wrote about left-wing activists who participated in U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
I wonder why the opposition parties and the media report that "(Sugita) discriminated the Ainu ethnic group."

> お知らせする機会を逃してしまっていましたが、今発売中のHanadaとWiLLに詳しく書いています。
> 毎日のように報道してくださる共同通信さんをはじめとするマスコミの方々はもう読んでいると思うのですが、申立した側の意見は報道するけど、私の言い分は報道されません。
> 興味のある方はぜひご覧ください

I missed the opportunity to notify you about it, I have written about that in detail in monthly "Hanada" and "WiLL," which are now on sale.
I'm sure the media, including "Kyodo News" which reports on it almost every day, have already read it. However, the complainant's opinion are reported, but my assertions aren't reported.
If you are interested, please read them.


>"首相「コメント控える」 杉田氏の差別的言動に"


> 下関市の六連島でミニ集会を開いていただきました。
> 一日3便しかないフェリーに乗って六連島へ。
> 人口 80人に満たない島で 20名の方が集まってくださいました。
> 始めは世界情勢や防衛、外交、経済の話について質問を受け、それに答えていました。
> 特に拉致問題について熱心に訊いてこられました。(続く)

I was held a mini-meeting on the Mutsure Island in Shimonoseki City.
I took a ferry, which only runs three times a day, to the Mutsure Island.
On the island with a population of less than 80 persons, 20 ones gathered.
At first, I was asked and answered questions about the world affairs, defense, diplomacy & economy.
In particular, they questioned about the "abduction issue" enthusiastically (to be continued)

> たくさんの気づきがありました。
> また、国政報告会や講演でお話ししたいと思います。

(to continue) Gradually, the topics were shifted to the issues facing the island. I was explained about about the current situation, such as depopulation, low birthrate and inadequacies in medical institutions & transportation networks," and we thought together about what solutions we could come up with.
I realized a lot of matterss.
I would like to once again talk about that at national policy briefings and lectures.
(to be continued)

> 皆さんの暖かさに触れにまた、来たいと思います。

(to continue) At the end, I received a large bouquet of flowers produced on the island (one of Mutsure Island's industries is shipping fresh flowers).
I was welcomed by the islanders, therefore would like to come again.

> 六連島から戻り、遅めのランチ。
> 下関市の mimihana カフェにお邪魔しました。
> 元々耳鼻科の医院だった建物をリノベーションしたおしゃれなカフェです。
> 実は障害者福祉多機能型事業所で、スタッフは障害をお持ちの方々とその保護者のみなさんです。
> 私が頼んだのはチーズミートスパ。(続く)

I returned from Mutsure Island and had a late lunch.
I visited "mimihana Cafe" in Shimonoseki City.
This stylish cafe is located in a renovated building that was originally an otorhinolaryngological clinic.
In fact, it is a multi-functional welfare facility for persons with disabilities, and the staff are persons with disabilities and their guardians.
What I ordered was the cheese meat spa. (to be ontinue)

> とっても美味しい❣️
> お料理の注文を取ってくださった女性は書道が得意とのことで、暫し書道談義。
> ここではゆったりと時間が流れます。
> 素敵なお料理と時間をありがとうございました😊

(to continue) The hot food was brought to me on a hot iron plate. Very delicious❣️
The female who took my food order was allegedly good at calligraphy, we therefore talked about calligraphy for a while.
Time passes at a leisurely pace here.
Thank you for the wonderful food and time 😊