
>"あおちゃんぺさん「区役所、警察署、パスポートセンターは 申し訳ないけど日本国籍の人のみでやって欲しい。外国人の人雇うなら…」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '23. 11/25)


> 池袋パスポートセンター契約社員の中国籍の女性(52)を警視庁公安部が逮捕。
> 申請書や戸籍謄本をコピーするなど1920人分の個人情報を持ち出したというが、私には逮捕の事実より "雇っていたこと"の方が恐ろしい。
> 国民に全ての情報提供を義務づけた中国の国家情報法を知らないのか

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Public Security Bureau arrested a Chinese female (52), who is a contract employee at Ikebukuro Passport Center.
She allegedly brought out personal information of 1,920 persons, including copies of application forms and family registers. For me, the fact that "she was employed" is more frightening than (personal information leakage).
Don't they know about the "National Intelligence Law of the People's Republic of China" which requires all information to be provided to the nationals?

>"個人情報書かれた付箋を窃取か パスポートセンター勤務の中国籍女を書類送検 約2千人分持ち出しか"


> #正義のミカタ でほんこん氏が「>"山口(那津男)さんが中国に行って何で(拘束されている)日本人を連れて帰ろうとせんと、パンダを連れて帰って来ようとするのかな、と"」と発言。
> 誰もが思っている事をスパッと言ってのけ素晴らしい。

In a program "mikata of justice," Hong-kong remarked that "I wonder that when (Natsuo) Yamaguchi went to China, why he didn't try to bring back the (detained) Japanese, but instead tried to bring back a panda!?".
It's great that he candidly said what everyone thinks.
On earth, who supports the LDP, which is manipulated by Komei Party, a "spokesperson for China"?

> 石垣の地元紙八重山日報が『>"尖閣1945"』を報道。

A local newspaper in Ishigaki City, the Yaeyama Nippo reported about [Senkaku 1945].
Even my comments are included in the article that "This incident shows how important the Senkaku Islands is to the Japanese persons. I wrote this with the idea that [all Japanese people must know this]. This incident encapsulates the indomitable fighting spirit, soul, compassion, and kindness of Japan's predecessors."
I'm delighted by the comment that "Through detailed coverage, while reproducing the details of the incident, Kadota uncovers the (little-known) history of the Senkaku Islands. He proves once again that the islands are Japan's inherent territory both historically and under international law, and refute the unfair claim of China, which aims to invade the Senkaku Islands."
