Ref.>"【サッカー】韓国の PK判定に中国激怒"



↓(See detail of this article)、八重山日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Yaeyama Nippo)

Translation; [Gold wave silver wave]. Nov. 22 marks the 60 years since the assassination...

>"【金波銀波】暗殺から 22日で 60年となる…"

> 暗殺から 22日で 60年となる米国第 35代大統領、ジョン・F・ケネディ。
> 歴代大統領の中でもとりわけ人気が高く、暗殺事件のなぞはいまだに多くの人たちの関心を呼ぶ。
> 事件をテーマにしたオリバー・ストーン監督の映画「JFK」は1991年に公開され、大きな話題を呼んだ。
> 大学生だった当時、那覇市の映画館に見に行ったことを懐かしく思い出す

The U.S. 35th President John F. Kennedy, with whom Nov. 22 marks the 60 years since the assassination.
He is one of the most popular presidents among the successive ones, and therefore, the mystery of the assassination still arouses the interest of many persons.
The film "JFK" directed by Oliver Stone, whose theme was the case, was released in 1991 and caused a big stir.
I fondly remember going to a movie theater to view the movie in Naha City when I was a university student.

>◆同監督はその後も暗殺事件の調査を続け、新作ドキュメンタリー映画「>"JFK暗殺 知られざる陰謀"」が今月、日本でも公開された。
> 事件はまだ終わらない

* The director continuously investigated the assassination case, and this month, his new documentary film [JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass] was released in Japan.
The incident has yet been over.


* In 1961, "JFK" took office of U.S. President at the young age of 43.
He tackled a accumulated issues under the banner of a "new frontier," and left a fresh impression on the whole world.

> 代り映えのしない選挙構図は米国政治の閉塞状況を示すとの見方もあり、国民の間では、古き良き時代を体現したケネディへの郷愁が強いのだろう

* Next year's U.S. presidential election is likely to be a rematch between two senior ones -- "President Joe Biden" vs. "former President D. Trump."
Some believe that the election framework, which hasn't improved much, shows the stalemate in the U.S. politics. Therefore, among U.S. nationals, there is probably a strong sense of nostalgia for JFK, who personified the good old days.

> 世界が戦争や疫病に振り回され、リーダーも不在の混迷の時代、「ケネディ」の残像を追う人は、今後も増え続けそうだ。

* After the assassination, the U.S. fell into the quagmire of the Vietnam War.
The view that "the assassination was a turning point for the U.S." is still deeply rooted even in nowadays.
In a time of turmoil -- when the world is at the mercy of wars and epidemics, and there are no leaders -- the number of persons chasing the afterimage of "JFK" is likely to continuously increase.