


>"【ピークコリア警告】 IMF、韓国の国の借金増加に強く警告…「年金改革できなければ 50年後に GDPの2倍」"


> S. Korea warns N. Korea to immediately stop preparation for spy satellite launch

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; PM Fumio Kishida requires to halt that = N. Korea predicted to launch a satellite since Nov. 22

>"北朝鮮「衛星」発射予告 22日から、首相中止要求"

> 日本政府は 21日、北朝鮮から 22日午前0時から12月1日午前0時の間に「人工衛星」を発射すると通報があったと発表した。
> 5、8月に予告し失敗した「軍事偵察衛星」の再打ち上げとみられる。
> 岸田文雄首相は、米韓両国と連携し北朝鮮に発射しないよう強く中止を求めることや、情報収集・分析、不測の事態に備えた態勢確保を関係省庁に指示した。

On Nov. 21, the government released to have received a notification from N. Korea that it would launch a "satellite" between midnight on Nov. 2 and midnight on Dec. 1st.
It seems to be a re-launch of military reconnaissance satellites that failed to launch in May & August.
PM Fumio Kishida has instructed relevant ministries and agencies to cooperate with the U.S. and S. Korea to strongly require N. Korea to halt to launch the satellite, collect and analyze information, and secure position to take all possible measures in order to be ready to unpredictable situation.

> 海上保安庁によると、北朝鮮の水路当局が 21日未明、海保水路通報室に対し、人工衛星の打ち上げに伴い海上に危険区域を3カ所設けると連絡。
> 朝鮮半島西側2カ所とフィリピン東部1カ所で、いずれも日本の排他的経済水域(EEZ)外だという。
> 部品の落下予測地点とみられる。

According to the Japan Coast Guard, N. Korea's hydrographic authorities informed the Japan Coast Guard Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department in the early morning on the 21st that three dangerous zones would be set up on the sea due to the satellite launch.
It's allegedly two locations on the western side of the Korean Peninsula and one location on the eastern side of the Philippines, both outside Japan's exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
It seems to be parts' falling predicted locations.