




> On-point: North Korea to launch spy satellite as early as this week: Seoul’s defense minister

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '23. 11/19)


> 韓国朝鮮日報が報じた。中国共産党が韓国でやっている事を日本で行っていないわけがない。
> というか既にNHKの一部、TBS、TV朝、朝日新聞、共同、東京、沖縄2紙、道新はそうだ

There is no way that the Chinese Communist Party is not doing in Japan what the Chosun Iloo in S. Korea reported that it's doing in S. Korea.
Or rather, part of NHK, TBS, TV Asahi, Asahi Shimbun, Kyodo News, Tokyo Shimbun, two major local newspapers in Okinawa, and Hokkaido Shimbun have already been so.

>"「中国企業が韓国メディアになりすまして 38のサイトを開設、韓国国内向けに親中反米コンテンツ流布」"


> 半世紀以上に亘る北朝鮮の侵略行為を、今でも継続させているのは、日本国内のスパイ、工作員が教職員組合、メディア、文科省などの官僚組織、反日政治団体に侵入しているからです。

The reason why N. Korea's aggression-acts, which has been going on for more than half a century, is still continuing is because "spies" and "agents" in Japan are infiltrating anti-Japanese political groups, such as teachers' unions, the media, bureaucratic organizations such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
That is an undeniable fact.