
>"韓国教授、日本に対案を提示 処理水放出問題"


> 慰安婦詐欺ゲストイヨンス日本大使館前ライブ配信

Translation; The 1,600th CW Wednesday rally to seek settlement of the issue since 1992 in S. Korea

>"慰安婦集会、1600回目 韓国、解決訴え 92年から"

> 旧日本軍の従軍慰安婦問題の解決を訴える毎週恒例の「水曜集会」が14日、ソウルの日本大使館前で開かれた。
> 日本の「公式な謝罪」や法的賠償、教科書への史実の記述や慰霊碑建立などを求めている。
> 1992年に始まり、14日で1600回目となった。

On June 14, the weekly regular "Wednedsay rally" to appeal settlement of the (* not) military comfort women issue of the former Japanese forces was held in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul.
They demanded Japan's "official apology," legal compensation, description of historical facts in textbooks, and erection of a memorial monument.
It was kicked off in 1992 and was the 1,600th on June 14.

* Historical facts are as follows;
- They were not "military CW" but "CW," who were nothing more than "camp followers."
- Even considerable number of them are "fake former CW" -- typical example is "Lee Yong-soo."
- The epicenter was in Japan (the fake news circulated by The Asahi Shimbun).
- The issue has been used by N. Korea to divide Japan and S. Korea.
- Both Tokyo and Seoul confirmed in final and irreversible settlement of the issue in 2015.

The Japanese embassy doesn't exist there, which has been operated in another place (temporarily).
↓, As mentioned in the following article, an anti-Wednesday rally was also held simultaneously -- The Tokyo Shimbun and so on, which ignored this fact, are vicious news organs.

>"慰安婦問題解決求める集会が1600回目 開始から 31年=韓国"

> 14日の集会はソウル近郊の小学校の5、6年生約 40人が課外学習で参加するなど計約 200人が集まった。
> 元慰安婦の李容洙さん(92)も駆け付け、尹錫悦政権が早期に問題解決に乗り出すよう訴えた。
> 韓国政府が認定した元慰安婦計 240人のうち、存命の女性は9人となっている。

Totally around 200 persons gathered in the rally on June 14, includgin around 40 5th and 6th grade students of elementary school(s) in suburbs of Seoul, who who participated in it as an extracurricular study.
They appealed that "We will fight together with the (victim) halmonis to the end."
Lee Yong-soo (92), a former (* fake) CW, also rushed to the site and demanded the Yoon Suk-yeol administration to begin to settle the issue ASAP.
Of the 240 former CW recognized by Seoul, the number of still alive ones is nine.