
>"安倍氏、台湾人徴用工の給与袋をツイート 「中傷への反撃はファクトで」"


See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Special Report]. "Use for historical awareness" = the evidence of proper remuneration -- salary bags for a "conscripted worker" -- are donated by the bereaved family

>"<特報>「徴用工」に給料袋 適切報酬の証拠 遺族寄贈「歴史認識に活用を」"

> 日本統治下の朝鮮半島から「内地」に渡った労働者が、勤務していた兵庫県内の造船所で受け取った給料袋などが見つかり、「>"産業遺産情報センター"」(東京)が保管していた遺族から入手したことが16日、分かった。
> 半島出身の労働者にも適切な報酬が支払われていたことを改めて示す一次資料を同センターが入手するのは初めてで、いわゆる「徴用工」問題を払拭する重要な証拠と位置づけている。

On March 16, it turned out that "salary bags" -- a worker who migrated to "the mainland" from the Korean Peninsula under Japanese rule received at a shipyard in Hyogo Pref. where he worked -- were found out, and >"Industrial Heritage Information Center" (* Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo) obtained them from the bereaved family who conserved them.
It is the 1st time the IHIC obtained primary material that once again proves that workers from the Peninsula were also paid wages properly, which is considered as an important evidence to dispel the so-called "conscripted workers" problem.

> 同センターが入手した給料袋などは、兵庫県相生市在住の元在日2世で令和元年に日本に帰化した清本清一さん(78)から託された。
> 清本さんの父親が、相生市の播磨造船所に勤務していた昭和17年1月から終戦後の 20年10月までに受け取った給料袋約 40点をはじめ、当時書かれたメモや戦時中の造船所の労働者名簿など多数にのぼる。

The salary bags and other items that the IHIC obtained were entrusted by Seiichi Kiyomoto (78), who is a former 2nd-generation Korean resident with permanent status (lives in Aioi City, Hyogo Pref.), naturalized in Japan in 2019.
It includes many items -- around 40 salary bags Kiyomoto's father recieved when he worked at the Harima Shipyard (Aioi City) from January 1942 to October 1945 after the end of WW2, notes he wrote around the time, a name list of shipyard workers during the war, etc.

> 清本さんの父親は大正6年、朝鮮半島南部の慶尚南道生まれ。
> 自らの意志で昭和11年に渡航し、17年から播磨造船所で働き始めた。
> 残された給料袋には、出勤工賃▽残業割増工賃▽夜勤手当▽精勤手当-などの賃金や、退職積立金▽国民貯金▽健康保険▽社宅▽年金保険-などの控除金の項目があり、手取り額は多い月で 200円以上。
> 20年当時のはがき1枚が5銭で現在1260倍の 63円。
> 単純計算だが、換算すると 200円は約 25万円になる。
> 終戦を迎えた 20年8月でも 54円18銭が支払われ、同月に「徴用満期慰労金」も受け取っていたことがうかがえる。

Kiyomoto's father was born in 1917 in Gyeongsangnam Provice in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.
Based on his own will, he emigrated to Japan in 1936. From 1942, he started to work at the Harima Shipyard.
In the remaining salary bag, wages such as "commuting wage" * "overtime extra wage" * "night shift allowance" * "attendance allowance" are included, and thare are deduction items such as "retirement reserves" * "national savings" * "health insurance" & "company housing" and "pension insurance." Take home amount was, when it was large, more than \200/month.
In 1945, the price of one postcard was 5 sen, and its \63 in nowadays, meaning 1260 times.
Though it's a simple calculation, if you convert it, \200 is equibalent to approx. \250,000.
He was paid \54 and 18 sen even in August 2008 when WW2 ended, and in that month, it seems that he even received "conscription maturity bonus."

> 清本さんは約 50年前、転居のため自宅内を整理していた際、紙に包まれていた給料袋の束を発見。
> 当時は存命だった父に資料の詳細について尋ねなかったが、韓国が「徴用工」を問題視した文在寅政権となった頃からこの資料の価値を認識するようになった。

When he was cleaning out his house due to a move about 5 decades ago, Kiyomoto found out a bundle of salary bags wrapped up in paper.
He did not ask his father, who was alive at the time, about the details of the materials. However, from the time when the Moon Jae-in administration was launched in S. Korea, which problematized "conscripted workers," he began to recognize the value of this materials.


Kiyomoto thinks that Moon Jae-in is responsible for deterioration of Japan-S. Korea relations to the degree to be described as the "record worst during the post-WW2 period."
After saying that "The conscripted workers issue was already settled between Japan and S. Korea, Seoul therefore should make effort domestically," he said that "If these materials are used to make both Japan and S. Korea have the correct historical view, it will be a filial piety to my father who conserved them carefully."

> こうした中、令和2年に内閣府が開設し、幕末以降の近代日本に関する産業遺産の資料収集・調査分析、公開を手掛けている同センター長の加藤康子氏が給料袋の存在を知り、今年2月下旬に清本さんと面会。
> 資料の寄贈を受け、清本さんの証言も映像収録した。

In such situation, Koko Kato -- director of the IHIC which was established by the Cabinet Office in 2020, who has been involved in the collection, research, analysis, and publication of industrial heritage materials related to modern Japan after the end of the Tokugawa shogunate -- noticed the existence of salary bags, and met with Kiyomoto at the end of last February.
She was donated materials, and even filmed Kiyomoto's testimony in a footage.


Director Kato explained that "Among the materials collected by the IHIC, salary bags of a Taiwanese are included, but the ones from the Korean Peninsula were not."
She said that "This has led to misunderstandings and criticism that [were the Korean Peninsula native not paid wages?]. We are therefore grateful for this donation. These primary materials tell us what is the truth. It's the valuable asset for both Japan and S. Korea. We would like to exhibit them by all means."

> 1910(明治43)年の日韓併合後、朝鮮半島から就労目的で渡日する人は多かった。
> その後、昭和12年から始まった日中戦争の長期化に伴い、重要産業の労働力確保を目的として半島出身労働者は「募集」や「官斡旋」の名称で集められた。
> 14年に制定され内地の全国民を対象とした「国民徴用令」が半島に適用されたのは先の大戦末期の19年9月からだった。

| The National Requisition Ordinance was applied at the final stage of WW2 (on the Korean Peninsula)
After Japan's annexation of Korea in 1910, many the Korean Peninsula natives came to Japan to work.
After that, as the 2nd Sino-Japanese War kicked off in 1937 prolonged, the Korean Peninsula native workers were recruited under the names of "recruitment" and "public placement" with the aim of securing a labor force for important industries.
The National Requisition Ordinance, enacted in 1939 covering the whole citizens in the mainland, was applied to the Korean Peninsula at the final stage of WW2 from September, 1944.
Basically speaking, "Recruitment" and "public placement" were voluntary immigration to the mainland.

> 播磨造船所は戦時中、商船建造では国内4位のシェアを占め、これに艦艇建造も加わって活況を呈した。
> 国民徴用令に基づく指定工場となり、全従業員が徴用に応じた「応徴士」扱いとなった。
> 17年から勤務していた清本清一さんの父親も同様になったとみられる。

During the war, the Harima Shipyard held the 4th-largest share of the domestic market for building commercial ships. In addition to that, as the construction of naval vessels was added, it was therefore booming.
It became a designated factory based on the National Requisition Ordinance, and all employees were treated as "conscripted honorable guys" who responded to the conscription.
It seems that Seiichi Kiyomoto's father, who worked there since 1942, was also treated in the same way.

> 社史によると、同社が17年から終戦にかけて雇用した半島出身労働者は約2千人。
> 終戦時に朝鮮半島への帰還を希望する従業員に対しては、旅費や徴用慰労金、15日分の食料、衣服、日用品を支給したという記録が残されている。

According to the company history, the company employed about 2,000 Korean Peninsula native workers from 1942 to the end of WW2.
It's recorded that, at the end of WW2, employees who wished to return to the Korean Peninsula were provided with travel expenses, conscription bonuses, food covering 15 days, clothing, and daily necessities.