
>"ベトナム民間人虐殺事件、韓国で初めて賠償責任を認める判決 -- 韓国メディア"

> 韓国政府、ベトナム戦犯行為の裁判に敗戦。政府とネット民の主張が異常【ゆっくり解説】

See detail of this article)、夕刊フジの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Evening Newspaper Fuji)

Translation; "It will possibly raised at the U.N.," K. Matsuki expressed so = S. Korea could be denounced in the international community due to "massacres in Vietnam," it's ruled to pay 30 million won to survived female, even victims would file lawsuits one after another

>"韓国が〝ベトナム虐殺〟で国際社会から糾弾か 生存女性へ 3000万ウォンの支払い判決、被害者の提訴が相次ぐ可能性 松木國俊氏「国連で取り上げられることも」(1"

> ベトナム戦争に派遣された韓国軍による民間人虐殺をめぐり、ソウル中央地裁は韓国政府に約 3000万ウォン(約 310万円)を生存者女性に支払うよう命じた判決の余波が、広がる気配を見せている。
> ベトナム戦争時に虐殺された被害者数は膨大で、被害者や遺族から同様の訴訟が起こされる可能性がある。
> 尹錫悦政権は深刻に受け止める必要がありそうだ。

Over massacres of civilians by S. Korean forces dispatched to the Vietnam War, the aftermath of the sentence handed down by the Seoul Central District Court ordering Seoul pay approx. 30 million won (approx. \3.1 million) to the survived female shows indication to spread.
The number of victims massacred during the Vietnam War is enormous. Similar lawsuits will therefore possibly be filed by the victims and bereaved families.
It seems that the Yoon Suk-yeol administration need to take it seriously.

> 虐殺の生存者であるグエン・ティ・タンさん(62)は判決後、支援者らとのビデオ通話で、こう語った。
> 7歳だった1968年、ベトナム中部クアンナムの村落で、韓国軍部隊の銃撃を受けて腹部を負傷した。
> 同村では女性の母や姉を含め、70人以上が殺害されたという。

"The souls (of the victims) will be comforted by the good news."
After the sentencing, a massacre survivor Nguyen Thi Thanh (62) said so in a video call with supporters.
In 1968 when she was seven years old, she injured in the abdomen after being shot by S. Korean unit in Quang Nam Province in mid. Vietnam.
In the village, more than 70 persons allegedly killed including her mother and sister.

> ただ、今回の虐殺は氷山の一角に過ぎない。
> 韓国は 64~73年、米国以外の国家としては最大の延べ約 32万人をベトナム戦争に派兵した。
> 韓国紙ハンギョレは 2016年9月 23日の日本語電子版に「>"(被害者数は)約 9000人"」とする推計を報じている。
> ベトナム各地には、韓国軍による虐殺を伝える慰霊碑や壁画が建てられている。
> 韓国では長く、韓国軍の蛮行はタブーとされてきた。

However, this massacre is just the tip of the iceberg.
From 1964 to 1973, S. Korea sent totally approx 320,000 troops to the Vietnam War, the largest number of any country other than the U.S.
The Hankyoreh, a S. Korean newspaper, reported in its online edition in English on Sept. 23, 2016, that it's estimated that >"(South Korean troops were responsible for more than 80 massacres during the Vietnam War,) causing the deaths of more than 9,000 civilians.."
Monuments and murals to convey the massacres by S. Korean forces are erected in various locations in Vietnam.
In S. Korea, barbaric acts by S. Korean forces have long been taboo.

>"韓国が〝ベトナム虐殺〟で国際社会から糾弾か 生存女性へ 3000万ウォンの支払い判決、被害者の提訴が相次ぐ可能性 松木國俊氏「国連で取り上げられることも」(2"
> ハンギョレ発行の週刊誌「ハンギョレ 21」が 00年、キャンペーン報道を展開した際、ソウルにある本社ビルが退役軍人ら約 2400人に取り囲まれた。
> 一部が社内に乱入し、同社幹部を監禁し、パソコンや駐車場の車を破壊するなどして逮捕者が出る事態となった。
> 今回の判決をどう見るか。

When Hankyoreh's weekly magazine, "The Hankyoreh 21," ran a campaign report in 2000, its head office building in Seoul was surrounded by about 2,400 veterans, etc.
Some of them broke into the company, confined the company's executives, and destroyed computers and cars in the parking lot, resulting in arrests of some of them.
How do you consider this verdict this time?

> 朝鮮近現代史研究所所長の松木國俊氏は「韓国を代表する『KBSニュース』でも、時間をとって大きく報じており、国内でも注目されている。背景の一つには、ベトナム戦争で戦った人たちの社会的影響力がなくなってきて、反発が少なくなってきていることがある」と話す。
Kunitosih Matsuki, Director of Korean modern history research institute (correct name in English is unknown), said that "Even [KBS News], which represents S. Korea, took time and reported on it extensively, and it's paid attention domestically too. One of the reasons for that is that, as the social influence of those who fought in the Vietnam War is disappearing, that there is less objection."

> 聯合ニュースは7日、「>"別の被害者の提訴が相次ぐ可能性がある"」と伝えている。

On Feb. 7, Yonhap News Agency reported that "From now on, other victims will possibly file lawsuits one after another."
Matsuki said that "The Vietnamese persons should know the sentence this time. New lawsuits will possibly be filed one after another. If the problem becomes serious, it's possible to raised at the U.N. It's also likely that the barbaric acts by S. Korean forces may come under international condemnation."