Ref.>"Pentagon chief arrives in S. Korea for talks on deterrence against N.K."

>"7 of 10 S. Koreans support independent development of nuclear weapons: poll"

> Senior U.S. intelligence adviser says N. Korea will likely continue to build on nuclear leverage ...

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; The reason why is threat of N. Korea = in S. Korea, more than 70% support nuclear development by their own country

>"韓国、核開発賛成7割超 北朝鮮の脅威背景"

> 韓国の SKグループ会長が理事長を務める財団、崔鍾賢学術院は 30日、北朝鮮による核・ミサイルの脅威が増す中、韓国独自の核開発が必要だとする回答が 76.6%に上ったとの世論調査結果を発表した。
> 北朝鮮の非核化は不可能との回答も7割を超え、自国の核武装を支持する考えにつながったとみられる。

On Jan. 30, Chey Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS) -- a foundation chaired by S. Korea's SK Group chairman -- released the outcome a public opinion poll -- 76.6% of respondents said that S. Korea needed to develop its own nuclear weapons amid growing nuclear & missile threats from N. Korea.
More than 70% of respondents answered that N. Korea's denuclearization was impossible, which seems to lead to the thinking to support nuclear armament of their own country.

> 発表によると、回答者の 78.6%は北朝鮮が7回目の核実験を強行すると予想した。
> 日米韓3カ国の安全保障協力については 71.9%が可能だと答えた。

According to the release, 78.6% of respondents forecasted that N. Korea will force to carry out its 7th nuclear test.
71.9% answered that the U.S., Japan and S. Korea trilateral security cooperation was possible.

> 一方で、北朝鮮が大陸間弾道ミサイル(ICBM)など射程が米本土に届くミサイルを開発する状況で、米国が朝鮮半島有事の際に核の抑止力を行使すると答えた人は 51.3%。
> 中国が北朝鮮の非核化に貢献する可能性については 64.1%が否定した。

On the other hand, 51.3% of respondents answered that the U.S. would use nuclear deterrence in the event of a crisis on the Korean Peninsula, under the circumstances that N. Korea has developed missiles, such as intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and so on, with ranges possible to reach the U.S. mainland.
64.1% denied the possibility that China would contribute to the denuclearization of N. Korea.