Ref.>"鳩ぽっぽ「我々国民にとって米国より中国との貿易の方が大事だ」 中国脅威論に怒り"


> 国基研チャンネル 第297回 台湾危機 犠牲を出さないためにも、日本は早急に備えを形に。

See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "The crucial time," LH lawmaker Sanae Takaichi (LDP) expresses so at a meeting of "conservative unity association"


> 自民党の有志グループ「保守団結の会」は 24日、中国が軍事圧力を強める台湾情勢についての勉強会を党本部で開いた。
> 同会顧問の高市早苗経済安全保障担当相は「日台、日台米で準備をして安全保障環境を整えなければならない。今ほど台湾との交流が大事な時期はない」と述べた。

On Jan. 24, the LPD intra-party group of willing "conservative unity association" (correct name in English is unknown) held a workshop about the Taiwanese situation where China is raising military pressure.
Sanae Takaichi, Minister of State for Economic Security who is an advisor of the association, said that "Japan-Taiwan & U.S.-Japan-Taiwan must be ready and coordinate security environment. There has never been a time when exchanges with Taiwan are more important than now."
She also said that "Now is the crucial time to fix what to do in case of emergency in order that a contingency will never happen."

> 同じく顧問で超党派の議員連盟「日華議員懇談会」の古屋圭司会長は「中国の常軌を逸した動きを絶対に阻止しなければならない」と強調した。
> 出席議員は、日本と台湾の交流を図る民間団体「日本李登輝友の会」常務理事で平成国際大の浅野和生副学長から、日台関係の在り方などについて講演を聴いた。

LH lawmaker Keiji Furuya (LDP) -- who is also an advisor and chairperson of "Japan-Taiwan lawmakers consultative council" (correct name in English is unknown)" -- emphasized that "China's erratic moves must be stopped absolutely."
Attendee-lawmakers were lectured by Kazuo Asano -- vice President of Heisei International University doubling Managing Director of Friends of Lee Teng-Hui Association in Japan, a private organization aiming exchanges between Japan and Taiwan -- about way of being of Japan-Taiwan relations.