I'm repeating a canceling of English lesson recently. Because the symptoms of a cold are not getting better.  About a week ago I caught a cold for the first time in many years. I thought it will be getting better soon as usual. But it was different. Finally, I took a day off and went to hospital. Actually I hate hospital. But this time it was absolutely the worst. Then as a result, I was diagnosed with asthma. of course it was the first time. and now I'm taking some medicine that the doctor recommended very seriously. So there is the thing I'm very surprised even by myself. I haven't been drinking alcohol at all since the date of diagnosis. I'm feeling this situation will be continued.  if it continue. it's the first time in my lifetime.

英会話始めて早4年目に突入。でもレベルはfluently の前の前の前?人生は残り少なくなってきた。どうしてもやりとげたい位置までどうしたらいけるのかしら?とりあえず4月からほぼ毎日レッスンに入ろう!







人がわさ〜っと集まるまえに たった一つ空席があって

さっと座っちゃったみたいな 例えが変か?

つまり なにも知らずに旧住所で暮らしてたのに

ここ空いてるっと思って 仮申込にクリックしたら

そのまま入居手続きに入っちゃって あれよあれよと

しかし 県の物件だから 一般賃貸よりも




But now, about two weeks has passed after the move.

I am very happy because I was able to live in an ideal room for me.

There is my apartment near Fukuoka city Zoo and Botanical Garden. 

I feel refreshing than the previous place because the forest is nearby.


しかし 英会話スクールから足が遠のいている最近

人生は短い! やんなきゃ!