What are they getting in exchange for coming to your site? From Google's point of view, it is not advisable to place the actual content of the page below the fold. A greater number of people will stick to voice search, so SEO specialists will have to adjust to this relatively new type of search. Great content never sleeps, never needs a lunch break and is adored by search engines and customers alike. The more you focus on Google and doing the right thing for website visitors, the more you’ll win at SEO.

Grass is greener on the other side

Quite simply, Google wants users to get what they were looking for, and the Quality Score is forcing advertisers to make ads and landing pages relevant to users. Description  This text is a description of the page’s content. It can come from your page’s meta description (if populated) or it can be pulled from within the page’s content itself. I have found Google will normally adhere to what you have set up as a meta description if it adequately describes the page and it matches the search used. ASO is the cool Canadian cousin of SEO and the two can work together in terms of linking. The best links to your website are the ones coming from real websites, with good content and lots of social media shares. Chances are, there are a number of sites that cover topic areas similar to yours. Opening up communication with these sites is usually beneficial. Hot topics in your niche or community could spark additional ideas for content or building a good community resource.

Meaty meta descriptions may affect your site submissions tactics

It’s not just about creating quality content, but also about knowing your audience, to the extent that the content is useful and has more chances to be ranked higher in the search results for the relevant queries. Take a look at which sites are currently winning the front page for the phrase you are hoping to win. Then, go ahead and link to a few of them within your own content. It can be within the body of the text, or you can include a few links at the bottom with a “More on This Subject” type of call to action (CTA). It may seem like this could lead eyes to a direct competitor, but don’t be afraid to break the mold and link to them anyway. f your site is linked to from other well ranking sites they consider your site to be important too. Don’t pay for links from other sites or do link exchanges as Google is wise to this and can penalise you for it. Instead give people a reason to write about you (competitions, great content people will want to share, brilliant offers, interesting news etc). Keyword research can be done using free tools. And, if you’ve got the chops for it I think it’s a great career path, I think it’s a great opportunity, and I think it’s a great way to grow a career that’s going to be in demand in the future So, seem like pretty simple question at first, but I’ve stewed on it for a couple of weeks and we could go on for hours and hours on why SEO is so difficult but the fact is: it ain’t what it used to be and in 10 years it ain’t gonna be what it is today. The fundamental principle for structuring URLs is to choose a format that is easy for users and search engines alike to understand. Website URLs should contain words and phrases arranged in a logical order and convey what the content is about before opening the page.

Take a customer focused approach to nofollow links

According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "If your web developer tells you that the website is accessible from a mobile device, don’t just trust him/her. Go over your mobile website yourself and check if you, as a visitor, can do all you want and need to do there." Once you start working on the SEO channels you need to commit yourself for the long haul as ranking first on the search pages does not happen in a day. It can take up to years sometimes and if you are lucky weeks. Once you've decided to try and remove a link, contact whoever owns the site and ask for that link to be removed. SEO factors have varying weights and no SEO consultant knows the exact weight of each or when these weights change. We’re not going to talk about every SEO factor. This is because Google has over 200 SEO factors and over 10,000 sub-signals for ranking. That is way too much information to digest and remember. Choosing a perfect focus keyword is not an exact science. You should aim for a combination of words that are used by a search audience. Aim for a focus keyword that is relatively high on volume and aim for one that will fit your audience.

When someone mentions site submissions do you think about search engine optimisation?

To understand SEO, you need to understand search engines. A search engine is a piece of software that crawls the internet and indexes its pages in order to provide the best website recommendations based on a user's search query. And they use complex, ever-changing algorithms to do that. Globally, the number of searches grew 46 percent in 2009, and every month we continue to search more often and on more devices. The appearance of search engine results pages is constantly in flux due to changes in the algorithm. Any pages with duplicate content or title tags have the potential of competing with each other in the SERPs. Google and other search websites are crawling millions of web pages and analyzing every piece of content.

Make sure your SEO checklist includes non reciprocal links for best results

While backlinks in and of themselves are simple, understanding how to build backlinks the right way is not. More importantly, the people coming to your site are almost all qualified leads – they were searching for businesses like yours when they found you, so they already have a need or interest in your products or services. Roundup posts are collections ofcontent in a given topic within a certain period of time. You can see bloggers who curate content this way by simply creating monthly or weekly collections of great content related to their topic. The most important reason for creating roundup posts is to get extra shares on social media from the authors of the featured articles. If you can’t firmly work out who you’re targeting, what message you’re sending out and what the purpose of your content is going to be, then it isn’t worth writing. When we take this approach, we are rewarded by Google since this meets their quality guidelines.