The permalink is the full URL you see – and use – for any given post, page or other pieces of content on your site. It’s a permanent link, hence the name permalink. Google maypenalize specific tactics, but they will never penalize quality. Google offers another tool called Google Website Optimizer that allows you to run experiments to find what on-page changes will produce the best conversion rates with visitors. Today, queries don’t just return a list of ten blue, ordered links. They return results with images, videos, profile pictures, and all manner of meta data that help searchers choose the best result. Whether it is writing the most useful article about a certain topic, or ensuring that your eCommerce system is easy to use, it is important to make sure site visitors have a positive experience, because only then will they stick around.

Link baiting for SEO

Successful sites load fast. Even a small delay can have an impact on visitor numbers, ad views and conversions. Optimizing performance, however, is a continuous process. Your site will never be fast enough because there’s always more to improve. Creating an SEO strategy can give your company and brand a boost in the search engines. Why not improve your ROI today? Sites built around user interaction and sharing have made it easier to match interested groups of people up with relevant content. Not so long ago, SEO and social media marketing were different things. The idea was that SEO attracted visitors and social media marketing kept them coming back.

Quality content takes time and money

Visual content has become very popular on the internet due to our own ability to process an image faster than any written text. This wins the first impression and it can be very powerful within the context of a page. When you delete one or more posts or pages from your site, there’s often collateral damage. Don’t try to improve your website’s reputation by buying links or deliberately sharing links. Google has become very good at detecting these types of manipulative measures. It means that you risk falling heavily down in the rankings and it can destroy much of what you have spent time and money on creating. Keyword research can be done using free tools. Many marketers are now promoting that stuff like link building is dead and so on. Let me tell you, link building is not dead. If you want to improve google ranking of your webpage, you must focus on building backlinks. Use the rel=nofollow tag in the links to websites that you do not trust, you think maybe using spamming techniques or you do not want to help in the search engines.

Make a good use of your competitors’ keywords

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "There’s a difference between desktop SEO and mobile SEO, but the goals are often comparable. You want to reach your audience and turn them into customers. In some ways, desktop SEO tactics also work for mobile SEO, but in a slightly different form." Which relevant search terms are most popular? Many companies err by assuming a particular term is popular. They put all of their efforts into being number one for a term few people care about—an enormous waste of SEO resources. A shallow, highly crawlable link structure is critical to getting all of your content indexed—follow good information architecture practices. There are various ranking factorsthat influence whether a website appears higher on the SERP based on the content relevance to the search term, or the quality of backlinks pointing to the page. In establishing domain names, you may come across articles, which may suggest not to make use of hyphens on them. You should become aware though that using hyphens on your domain name is not a bad practice. However, you should know that most people these days, are not used to typing domain names on their browsers that come with hyphens.

The first choice should be navigation

common tactic is creating dozens, if not hundreds of short backlink-containing articles, which are then placed in blogs and websites that have been created for the express purpose of SEO. Bear in mind that your keyword or phrase should be the most frequently used term in the body text of any given webpage. This is called keyword density. However you shouldn’t overuse this signal – if you stuff the copy with keywords then your text won’t be readable and Google will likely penalise you for not writing for human readers. Use your keywords in themeta-tags, web page title, sub-headers and web content. Make your web content unique. A keyword density of 1-3% and word count of more than 400 words is ideal for on-page optimization. Create a sitemap page to make search engines spiders love your web pages. This helps in indexing the internal pages fast. Analyze search engine rankings and web traffic to determine the effectiveness of the programs you’ve implemented, including assessment of individual keyword performance. All Javascript and CSS files on your site must be unblocked. That means Google must be able to access those files so that it can see the site as a normal visitor does.

Preserve Your Valuable Links

Your competitors may be investing more in their own SEO campaigns, outperforming you in the process. Make sure all the links are no follow if you are being paid by a third party to publish a post on your blog. The backlinks which are paid are punished by Google. It applies for both, the page giving it and the one receiving it. SEO is marketing. It’s important that it be presented and treated as such, no matter how important a technical foundation is to the discipline. Don't be tempted by the huge numbers for broad keywords. With enough time and effort you might be able to rank for them, but you'd be battling large, established brands for unfocused visitors that might not even be ready to buy. Search engine experiences are becoming increasingly personalized. That’s why it’s important for businesses to focus on long-tail and location-based keywords—so that audiences can find your company based on the exact value and service that you provide.