Ranking in the search engines can be hard. Especially if the competition in your niche is high. As you probably know, you should start with doing your keyword research: getting inside the heads of your audience, knowing exactly what words they use and what they are searching for. But then what? Google’s looking for original text on a subject matter that explores the concept that the page is about, rather than meets keyword relevance standards of yesteryear. Which articles and posts get the most clicks? Not surprisingly, posts containing countdowns and Top 10 lists are heavily clicked. Not only do they get an enormous wave of traffic when first launched, but they’ll continue to attract traffic for months and even years later. Google hasn’t spilled all its secrets regarding how it gauges domain authority; but it’s reasonable to assume that authority is determined based on each individual page, not the entire site or domain as a whole.

Identify and remove duplicate content

Development of a prioritized list of targeted search terms related to your customer base and market segment. Google may penalize specific tactics, but they will never penalize quality. CTR gives some insight into how likely potential visitors are to actually click on your site in the SERPs. To many users the personalization of search results is helpful and convenient, but an increasing number of users are disturbed by the extent to which the sites they encounter are being shaped by forces outside of their control.

Do not hesitate to expand your niche area

SEO allows you to capture demand when a searcher may not even be familiar with your brand name. A 301 redirect means that the move is permanent. If you need to change the URL of a page as it is shown in search engine results, then you should use a server-side 301 redirect. Digital marketing professionals understand the importance of SEO and the need to implement a proper strategy. However, only defining what those keywords are isn’t enough to improve your website’s search engine ranking. If you have several versions of your site in different languages, add visual cues linking to your multilingual content in or near your top navigation. For example, you can use flag icons to link to each country or language’s site. Apple even has a page that lists all the countries for which they provide a website version.

Do an audit of your existing site

Reviews tell what other people, your customers, think of your product. If you respond to reviews, you show your (potential) customers that you care about their opinion. Search engine optimization, while a very technical practice, is a marketing function—and it needs to be treated like one. One of the basic tools of the trade for an SEO practitioner is the search engines themselves. They provide a rich array of commands that can be used to perform advanced research, diagnosis, and competitive analysis. According to SEO Consultant, Gaz Hall: "Build links as if Google didn’t even exist – links that will bring you customers in addition to rankings."

SEO is a fast-changing marketing activity

A picture can be worth a thousand words, they say. Well, when it comes to online marketing, a single image can be worth a thousand links! Content is written in a manner that helps Google and other search engines find and identify it as being relevant to certain keywords and phrases that people enter into the search engine query box. Site speed, from the front end to the back end, is an often overlooked area of web development that also has SEO implications. The content on your site should be organized in a logical way. This is not only good for SEO, it also helps visitors on your site find other related content easily.