CRO is a process that utilizes user feedback, market research, and analytics to improve the conversion rate on your website. If the goal of your website is to get visitors to fill out a contact form, the conversion rate would be the number of people who filled out the form divided by the total traffic your website received. Based on some online surveys, SEO is one of the most significant marketing activity for modern marketers and companies are hugely investing in SEO. Google can’t depend on social media signals from platforms it doesn’t own and that are run by competitors like Facebook. Every search engine has a program known as a “bot” or “crawler”. These programs follow links and visit websites. As they do so, they index website content and follow the links on the website to other sites. If your website has not yet been indexed, it will not appear in search results.

The shorter the page title, the better

First, stop assuming SEO is dead because the rules changed. While developing your mobile site, you’ll have three options: responsive design, dynamic serving and a separate site on a subdomain. Google prefers responsive design. This way, you have one site that adapts to the device it’s used on. It makes sense to use the same keywords in titles and headlines, simply because a single page should always define it's topic as exactly as possible. This means there will always be only two or three main keywords any given page will need to be optimized for. In order to rank highly in SERPs, the search engines must see your website’s content as being trustworthy.

Technology Choices

With the vastly reduced price of international communication and shipping, a logical next step is to launch a multilingual website. Google and other search engines keep the inner workings of their algorithms a secret. All we can do is speculate and test. The problem with speculation is that if an idea seems believable, it becomes eagerly accepted as truth without the data to back up the speculation. Search engines also rate keywords in header tags more heavily. By including relevant terms in your header tags, you are also boosting your SEO ranking against those keywords. You’ve got to understand that authority, niche-specific and generic blogs that publish related content can do the same.

Some keywords don’t deserve their own page

Search Engine Optimization requires the inclusion of popular (highly searched) or profitable (highly searched just before buying) words into headlines, copy, and other page elements. Always Add Value. Add value in every blog post, blog comment, social media update and web page. Don’t worry about backlinks or keyword rank. People will read and share your valuable content, and the rest will take care of itself. Optimizing your images gives your website an additional chance to be found via image search. According to SEO Consultant, Gaz Hall: "Links aren't everything in SEO, but search professionals attribute a large portion of the engines' algorithms to link-related factors."

Discover the connection between content and user experience

Google is better at working out what a page is about, and what it should be about to satisfy the intent of a searcher. Creating and launching a fully-fledged website is not enough to get your brand noticed by itself. In order to improve your online visibility, you will need to carry out SEO (search engine optimization) practices. Your title tag needs to be written for humans – as in it needs to make logical sense, rather than a keyword stuffed mess. The title tag will appear in a variety of places, from SERPs, to a social share, to the browser tab, so make sure it’s relevant and readable. A great way to up your SEO in a general sense is to regularly update your site with quality long-form content. This could be in the form of a video, a podcast, or more commonly, a blog.