

Study: Weight Gain Might Help You Live Longer

Have you gained weight recently? Don't panic just yet: a new study suggests that putting on a few extra pounds might not always be the disaster we think it is.

Researchers at The Ohio State University have found that people who gain weight later in life are likely to live longer than people who have always been overweight — and they even live longer than those who stay at a healthy weight throughout their lives.

The researchers examined data from two phases of the Framingham Heart Study, which has been following several generations of people in Framingham, Massachusetts, for more than 70 years. They looked at data from about 4,600 people in the study's first phase between 1948 and 2011, and from about 3,800 of the first group's children and their spouses between 1971 and 2014. During these times, over 85% of people in the first group and 25% of people in the second group died.

Researchers used the body mass index (BMI) of the study subjects to find out if they gained or lost weight as they got older, and compared how old they were when they died. People who started with a healthy BMI which increased later in life tended to live longer than people whose BMI stayed in the healthy range for their entire lives.

However, people whose BMI was already high and increased over time were most likely to die earlier.

Study leader Hui Zheng of The Ohio State University said that the data allowed the team to discover how changing BMI impacts a person's risk of death over their entire adult life.

But don't think this means eating an entire tub of ice cream is the best way to keep the Grim Reaper away from your door. Zheng also said that those who only gained "modest" weight lived the longest — so maybe going for that run isn't a bad idea after all.




What do you think of this article?

Until what age do you want to live? Why?

As you read this article, do you think it's ok for you to gain weight later in your life?

Do you have any unhealthy habits that you don't ever want to change?

What unhealthy foods do you think you'd have a hard time giving up?

Are you doing anything or do you take care of something for living longer?

In your opinion, what's the most effective way to maintain a healthy weight?

Do you ever track how many calories you consume per day?

Do you check your body weight regularly? Why? Why not?

Do you know anyone who struggles to put on weight?