
Migraines Explained: More than Just a Pain in the Head

Almost all of us get headaches from time to time. Sometimes we know the reason, but other times they come as a surprise.

But only about 15% of us get migraines. These are more than just headaches — as anyone who has had one will know.

They do feel like headaches — very bad ones, with a "throbbing pain" on one side of the head, according to the UK's National Health Service.

They can last from two hours to three days, and they can make people feel very ill.

Some people get a warning before a migraine comes. They may feel that their neck is stiff, or feel very tired or thirsty.

Some people get something called an "aura" before a migraine. They may see flashing lights, feel dizzy or find it difficult to speak.

These symptoms may last an hour.

Migraines are probably genetic, but they are three times more common in women. However, people who get chronic migraines usually find that things get better as they get older.

Experts still aren't exactly sure what causes migraines. But there are things that may trigger them.

Some people may be more likely to get migraines when they're stressed or tired, if they're not doing enough exercise or if they're not eating well.

Migraines can be treated with painkillers like Tylenol, or with medicines called triptans. But these don't always stop the pain.




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Do you get migraines sometimes? What do you think is the reason of the migraines?

When you get migraines, how do you usually deal with it?

Other than headaches, are there any health concerns you are concerned about recently?

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