"The Reality of Life" Volume 3-8 | 山人のブログ



Don't pinch life with illness and medicine

If anyone is caught and shot with two enemies in front and behind, they will be killed unless it is a very powerful "life". The sick person is suffering from an enemy called illness on one side, and although he is trying to confront the enemy with natural force and overcome it, suddenly a foreign substance to life (causing some side effects on human cells) from behind Injectables and drugs that are not normally contained in human food components are foreign substances to life), but just as the Chinese stool corps at the time of the Shanghai Incident suddenly invaded, unexpectedly When there is no time, a bomb is thrown, or an injection called foreign interference comes in and interferes from side by side.In this case, the human world (that is, the body) is also in a state of confusion, just as the battlefield was in a state of confusion. I have no choice but to fall into it. There, the battle becomes confused, and if you leave it alone, even if you fall into a state of turmoil for a while, you will quickly return to peace, but if an unwanted country interferes, the turmoil will last longer, and you should take medicine. Drinking in exchange for various things is like a civil war, but if the interference of foreign troops becomes severe, the area of ​​war damage will expand. As a result, our "life force" ally's army cannot attack the "illness" enemy with all their might, and as a result, the "illness" enemy's army raises pride and eventually heals. That is to say. Therefore, if you take medicine, the slow medicine of Kokando is better than the medicine of Kokando. If you want to take Western medicine, most of the Western medicines, such as grassroots bark, mold and radioactive fungi, which are refined plant decoctions, have few side effects because they are close to the food ingredients. However, since the source of the disease is in the heart, there are some well-known doctors who have cured it by pushing it through with baking soda from the early stage to the third stage of lung disease. This is because he was proficient in how to change the patient's mind. Therefore, for the time being after leaving school, a new doctor will start a practice with about 20 new drugs for one illness, but according to long-term clinical experience, the illness is serious due to the action of the mind. It doesn't matter if it's light or light, and in the end, the medicine you give will be so important that you can prescribe almost anything, so you should be calm by throwing one medicine into many kinds of illnesses. However, their facial expressions, attitudes, or spoken words can reassure the patient and heal the illness. Recently, it has been reimported from the United States and is called "psychiatric and physical medicine", and it seems to be something new psychiatry. I was practicing psychiatry. Indeed, Professor Stevens once said, "Doctors will start a business with 20 new drugs for one illness for the time being after leaving school, but in the 30th year of opening, they will push through 20 illnesses with one drug. The word "become" is the truth.

Professor Alonza Clark of the New York Medical College says, "All drugs are toxic, so the more you take, the less vital you are." Professor Smith also asserts that "when most drugs are absorbed into the blood and circulate, the poison has the same effect as taking a poison and weakens the vitality of blood cells."

The medical masters who have awakened in this way have allegedly stated that medicines rather delay the healing of illnesses. However, medicines are gradually advancing, and those with few side effects such as penicillin are being discovered one after another, but if such a drug is made, it will become resistant to bacteria even if it is used for a while, and it will not come soon. Therefore, fundamentally, the first thing is to cleanse the mind and eliminate illness. Nevertheless, the era in which medicine is used as actively as it is today has never been seen in human history, and the heart is forgotten. Not to mention the enormous cost of spending on pharmaceuticals, but the enormous cost of advertising it is amazing. Most of the advertising side of newspapers is filled with drug and cosmetics promotions. In the city, there are clinics for every ten houses, and the fact that the national wealth is spent on the production and promotion of drugs with uncertain efficacy means that the poor Japanese national wealth wants to increase as much as possible from the patriotism. However, it is a problem that should not be overlooked lightly. From this point of view, it can be inferred that the mission of Seicho-no-Ie Reinforcement Dojo, whose construction plan is currently underway, will be great, not to mention the spread of "Seicho-no-Ie". It will completely transform the sick and frail, who do not have the productivity of Kunitomi, and mobilize them as members of the Kunitomi production army. It means that the enormous cost of unpleasant construction such as hospitals and clinics can be converted into more useful costs. If the number of clinics and hospitals in Japan can be halved to make the people healthier, one of the causes of poverty is illness and medical expenses. Most of them can be saved. Everything is important, and writing the symptoms of the disease in the advertisement of the drug and infusing the subconscious mind of human beings with the morbid idea means that the sick person is manufactured by walking with the morbid thought. I will. If the morbid thought disappears, the illness disappears. If the illness disappears, there will be no cost to treat the illness. It must be said that this has a more fundamental function than building a facility to create and cure illness.

A true story that healed after quitting medicine

There is such a true story. The other day, a lady said that her eldest daughter, who is from Kyushu to Kobe, was pregnant and was about to give birth, so she came all the way to this place, but she was about five months ago. Diarrhea. She then she went to see a doctor and she got diarrhea and drank, but she didn't stop diarrhea at all. So I told the doctor about it and got a strong diarrhea and drank it. Then, the diarrhea stopped, but as soon as it stopped, my abdomen suddenly started to hurt, so the doctor applied castor oil again and completely cleaned the contents of the abdomen. However, the subsequent diarrhea did not stop very quickly. Then say the illness got worse, or the doctor made it worse, diarrhea-stop, stop-pain, eat only soft foods, take digestives before and after meals, and so on. In the meantime, your doctor says that your gastrointestinal tract is sore that you have to continue with heavy water for weeks. At last, I was able to eat porridge for the better, but then I thought it would be good, and once I ate rice bowl, my illness got worse again, and I was eating only heavy water and porridge as a digestive agent. I always drink, and when I'm hungry, it hurts, and when I eat, I get belching, and diarrhea and constipation alternate. When a person with such a medical condition came to the eldest daughter who could give birth next time, the doctor told her that it would be dangerous if her daughter suffered from spinal caries and became pregnant. About half a year ago, she gave birth to her daughter. I was poorly debilitated when I saw it, so I heard in a letter from my daughter that she was very healthy by the truth of the "house of growth", but until I actually saw it, "it's a lie." Deaf, my daughter is lying so as not to worry her parents. " However, when I met him, he became paler and he was getting fat. When I took a bath with her, she said, "Mah, you have so much meat!" And I couldn't help but hit her daughter's back with a plump body. According to the doctor, the illness such as "It's dangerous to get pregnant" is getting pregnant and getting healthy. "This is a miracle!" It seemed that my gastrointestinal illness must be healed by the truth of "Seicho-no-Ie". He met me, thanked her for her health, and asked me to cure her illness. Since I was just a squirrel, my wife met him and told him about the uselessness of drugs, the fact that the power of human life comes from God, and the truth of health by giving various examples. However, this person obediently accepted the truth spoken by his wife, abandoned the medicines that had been brought from many countries, and abandoned all the cure methods based on material grounds. I was happy and grateful for the food. Then my daughter told me that she wanted to eat red rice, so I tried to eat two cups of it in a burp without any fear, but I knew the truth of health that "Growth House" preaches. Until the time of the previous meal, the person who was sick was eating only porridge and digesting it with a digestive agent, but he was sick and had belching without interruption, and had diarrhea every day. However, neither burping nor diarrhea occurred, and this person's illness was cured.

I heard this story from him later, but for five months the doctor couldn't heal even after throwing all the medicines, but one time my wife told me that he was healed by abolishing the medicines. The fact is evidence that the doctor and the drug were worse than curing the illness. What the doctor said to this patient was, "Some patients have been cured by taking the medicine patiently for three years, so don't be disappointed if it doesn't cure for about half a year." Even when I came to this area, I was kind enough to take this medicine when I had such a medical condition, and to take this medicine when I had such a medical condition. Therefore, I should not forget this method of recuperation, and a kind good person told me to read it once a day and wrote a copy of "Twelve Articles of Rehabilitation Method". Even so, it was said that such a rehabilitation method was no longer necessary just by listening to the story of the truth once, so "I have to revise the twelve articles. It will be healthy. It wasn't the twelve, but the twelve that made me sick. "

Medicine that can ignore the mental element is not science

Rather than relying on medical treatment, medicine, and hygiene law, it is better to abolish such artificial and unnatural methods and leave it to the mysterious power of life to heal the illness more quickly. It is an example of the truth that it can be done. This example is of course, but as in the case of the female clerk mentioned in the previous section, the doctor declares that he needs rest treatment for three months, and the sentence tells the patient that he is depressed and stuck for about an hour. When I talked about it, I suddenly got rid of my fever and got energized. On the third day, I was free to take a bath in a public bath, walked back and forth in 30 towns and did not get tired, and in the first week I could hardly leave any trace of cholangitis. If so, can we argue that such doctor's medicine is a "science" as a matter of course? To me, these patients were afraid of the patient because they affirmed the patient's morbidity as it was when the doctor first saw him, treated it exaggeratedly, gave it an exaggerated name, and administered it exaggeratedly. If it stimulates the mind, spreads the disease due to its psychological effects, and leaves it to the natural course without fear, it is a symptom that disappears naturally in a few days, but it is an unnatural medicine for the body. Do not take anything, inject the pathological cause of fear into the heart, but only record the interrelationship between material medication and symptoms, without considering the effects of attitudes and words that you have shown to the patient. In other words, if we dismiss one factor that should be a promising cause and announce that this drug has such a result for this disease, can we call it scientific medicine? Science has to take all the elements into account. Given the fact that a single dialogue can reduce the course of a three-month illness to a week and a five-month illness to a day, what did the doctor say when examining the patient? What kind of expression and attitude made the patient scared or relieved is recorded as a causative factor of the cure, and how it affects the course of the disease is recorded in statistics, and what kind of words are used for what kind of disease. Determining whether it is the most suitable drug to use should be more scientific medicine. Let's say this is psychosomatic medicine. It was Seicho-no-Ie that started scientific medicine like this, and I read the scripture "The Facts of Life" published by the publishing department, the monthly magazine "Seicho-no-Ie" and various booklets. Patients who drank the truth written in it in their hearts are cured of intractable diseases that could not be cured by material medicine, ignoring material treatment methods. And again, if a person who understands the truth written in it tells others, that alone will cure the illness that was treated by material medicine. If it is inconvenient to be far away to talk, you can write the "truth" in a letter and send it, but it will still work. At Seicho-no-Ie, there is such a document instructor who responds in a serviceful manner to patients who are not familiar with reading books. The power of "truth" expressed in letters (or words) is truly mysterious. There is no secret in the dispensing of that word, so whether you send it by letter, write it in a book, or speak it in words, it works in the same way as long as the recipient does not rebel, so it is very scientific. There is.

Pregnancy examples of tuberculosis patients

The other day I received a letter from a lady in a city. The person had pulmonary tuberculosis, but he was informed by an acquaintance that there was a very good psychic healer in Osaka, so he stayed in Osaka for about a week and was treated by the psychic healer. Was done. A week later, he was sentenced to "healed" by his psychic healing and returned to Japan. He was very well at one point, but after a while he seemed not to be completely healed and sputum began to bleed. That person had a malignant morning sickness when he became pregnant, and he had a habit of not being able to pass through a grain of rice, but unfortunately he was pregnant during the onset of tuberculosis. It is said that the mother will not have it unless she aborts her pregnancy. However, it is a general theory that when a tuberculosis patient becomes pregnant, the bone component in the body is deprived by the foetation and the resistance to tuberculosis decreases, so the condition worsens. On top of that, if you can't eat a grain of rice because of morning sickness, you can't get any nutrition at all, so it's only natural that the patient's tuberculosis worsens-this is a substance that makes humans a kind of substance. It is a natural conclusion from the point of view of materialistic medicine that explains the existence of a substance synthesized by a physical component and a physical component. So it's no wonder that doctors have recommended abortions. But in Seicho-no-Ie, we do not see humans as material beings. Human beings are children of God and spiritual beings. The body is a shadow that is constantly metabolizing and moving according to the film of mind. Therefore, if even the original mind of the body becomes a peaceful and harmonious one, the body will manifest a harmonious phase. If we were to obtain the peaceful harmony we knew, even if we had tuberculosis, the tuberculosis would heal while we were pregnant, and on the contrary, the nutrition of the mother would be improved due to pregnancy. It is in the magazine friend of "Seicho-no-Ie". As Dr. Nagahiro Kashihara, a doctor of medicine, said, "Because neither amateurs nor doctors can reach the power of nature, they abuse the population and cause miscarriage." In some cases, he stopped dying. In general, it is impossible for the population to have a foetation, that is, life in the mother's body-it is not something that human beings can do, and only "life" produces "life" and only "life" nourishes "life". You can grow it. If God harbors the seeds of "life" in his mother's womb, it is inevitable that God will nourish and nurture it. When nutrition is needed, God always gives it through food that comes in through the mouth of the mother. When nutrition is needed by the foetation, God cannot create morning sickness that keeps food out of the mother's mouth. Yet, here, this unnatural morning sickness occurs in humans, because humans do not realize that their life comes from the god of harmony, and everything is one god (whole). Not realizing that it is dominated by the power that governs one harmonious state), each life eats separately and the fetus eats the mother's body, and the fungus also eats the mother's body, there In addition, since he has a lost view of human beings as if "life" and "life" are competing against each other in his own body, the lost view of human beings becomes objective and becomes a morning sickness. It also becomes a weakening of the mother's body. Therefore, I gave the lady a mythical view to break this hesitation, saying, "Because the foetation in the womb is the one that God has inhabited, the life of this foetation is surely nourished by God. Therefore, God always gives the nutrition necessary for the growth of this fetal life through the mouth of the mother. If the mother is weakened, the life in this womb also loses the opportunity to grow. God can never do such an irrational thing because it will end up. Such an irrationality did not come from God, but his "confusion" was showing the image. I felt no fear about having a child in my womb because I knew the truth that life was nourished by God and not by shaving myself. No. Both the mother and the foetation are embraced by God's loving and infinite nourishing power and are peaceful without any fear. " I wrote a reply in a letter. Then, from the day my letter arrived, the lady mysteriously stopped nausea and began to eat food, and as an incidental merit, another toddler who had been feverish until now, at the same time. He sent me a letter of appreciation, which meant that I was really surprised because I had lost my fever.

A wave of love, a letter arrives as a medium

When I tell this story to Professor Umeken Imai, "It is the power of the truth that makes up the contents of the letter, but the spiritual wave of love that I want to cure, and the peaceful psychic wave when writing the truth is the medium of the letter. It is said that "I went to a magazine friend", and there was a demon wave in the tangerine that was once sent from Taiwan, and at the same time that the tangerine was attached, Imai sensei and his wife suddenly got chills like malaria. He told me that he had a symptom, but when he found out the cause and exorcised the evil spirit possessed by malaria, he was immediately cured. Of course, there is truth in this interpretation. To give a similar example, there is a spiritism called Psychometry. This is a spiritism that can only be done by a peculiar person, but if you take a piece of silver coin to a psychic who performs this spiritism, first guess the recent owner of the silver coin, and gradually conversely. Going back in time, the previous owner of the coin, the previous owner, and so on, gradually elaborate on the history of the surrounding conditions in which the silver coin itself has lived, and further back, the self (silver) ore in the mine. It even describes the state of the surroundings when it was. What this fact tells us is that a piece of silver is mirrored in sequence on the ghost of the small silver coin, leaving no single wave from the surroundings that the silver has passed through from the past. This is because the psychic, who is impressed by the appearance of the image, can read the impression in order from the most recent one. When a person handles an article in this way, the person's mental vibrations when handling it are impressed by the object (which is also a wave-like entity), and the object is more than just a physicochemical property. It represents the power of. The amulets and swords that are lowered from the shrine are the same, and if the amulets and swords are lowered after the priest prays with a pure heart, the amulets and swords are just substances at first glance. There is a mysterious spirit wave of mysterious power that is not a substance on the tip, and even if you drink a talisman and the illness is cured, even if you hit a bullet, the amulet is broken instead and you will not hurt yourself. Of course, this is by no means a superstition. As I heard at a gathering of "Seicho-no-Ie" magazine friends in February 1945, there is a teacher named Hirata in Nagoya's higher commerce. The teacher has an eleven- or two-year-old boy, who always falls or gets injured when he wears a particular yarn jacket. That is, he brought a yarn jacket to the psychic and asked for an appraisal. However, the psychic said, "This jacket has the anger of the person who knitted it, and that anger hinders it." Upon closer examination, it was the younger daughter of the Hirata family who knitted the jacket, and now she is in Osaka, but as a result of inquiring to the person in Osaka, she said, "That jacket is scolded by his wife many times. I was hurried and knitted with great annoyance, "the maiden confessed. In other words, it turned out that the spirit of anger possesses the jacket, and the angry person has forgotten such a thing, but he is doing various obstacles independently of himself. It is.

For this reason, one substance causes a mysterious power of salvation (or wrath) that spreads to us with the substance as an edge, in addition to the physical or chemical hataraki as the substance. It has power). When this happens, a dose of powdered medicine or a glass of liquid medicine may or may not work depending on the love and truth waves of the person who formulates it rather than the physical properties themselves. Even if it looks like a physical drug to the naked eye, if it is a medium that contains a wave of love, it will be more effective than the chemical action of the drug. is there. On the contrary, if the dispensing student is very scolded by the director and dispensed with resentment, no matter how well the drug prescribed by the doctor is, it will not work, but rather it will cause harm by the wave of anger. It is. From this point of view, the work of dispensing is the most sacred work of blending love, truth, and substance, regardless of their material appearance, so love is the way to formulate medicine. Only when a doctor who knows the truth prays with sincerity and dispenses, "May this medicine eliminate the patient's hesitation and reveal the reality of his life as a healthy child of God." Drinking the spirit wave of prayer works even better.

〇 Release hatred, the illness will be cured. Even if you let go of hatred, it will not heal because the vibrations of past hatred remain. To eliminate the vibrations of hatred in the past, keep in mind the opposite vibrations. Love neutralizes the mental vibrations of hatred. (From "Words of Wisdom")