Seattle① by Futa | Make@noise

Seattle① by Futa

Hi, there:)) What's up??

Today, I crossed the Canada-U.S. border by car for the first time!!! Yeah🤪✨


From Vancouver, Canada, to Seattle, U.S.

バンクーバー🇨🇦 → シアトル🇺🇸

Vancouver - 230 km: 143 miles - Seattle
3-4 hours by car.

Vancouver and Seattle are look really nearby on the map. It was way farther than I thought. haha

"Kilometer" changed to "Mile"👣 when we threw across the border.

I don't know why but I was kinda nervous when crossed the boder. haha. 

We need to write some information and they ask us some questions at the border check point, like "Where are you from?", "Where do you live?", "Why do you go to U.S.?", "What will you do in U.S.?", and so on.

Of course, there were no problem, though.haha

(*東京から長野までが大体 230km)



and... FINALLY!!!


Seattle is a city in Washington.

This place is really famous for Starbucks, The Boeing Company, Microsoft, Amazon, etc...
Seattle is the birthplace of them.



The first store of Starbucks.
The symbol picture is a bit different from others!!

There are always a big line, so you need to wait to go inside. Coffees are actually not different, but there are some original stuffs you can buy only here, like mug, tumbler, cup, and more. It was interesting to visit the first store, though.


I got an exclusive tumbler☀︎✨
You can find this tumbler only at 1st & Pike-Seattle Starbucks, not at the first store. haha

(この the first store って書いてあるタンブラー、1号店じゃなくて、すぐ近くの 1st & Pike 店のみで買えます。)w

そんな、スターバックス1号店の目の前にあるのが、超賑わいを見せる巨大マーケット「Public Market Center」。

The first starbucks is just in front of a super big market which is called Public Market Center.

小さい店が所狭しと入っていて、花、魚、スパイス、服、アクセサリー、海外、etc.. もはや、ジャンル無しのエンターテイメント!笑

In that market, there're lots of stores and you'll see fruits, flowers, fishes, many kinda spices, accessories, arts, and more.

So many things to see!!

Really much enjoyed wondering around the market, as the unique smells are coming from every direction. There are so many great shops and restaurants, with a ton of great food options! haha

That market is kinda entertainment, so you can spend hours or a day there. haha



Seattle is really nice place.
There are lots of history and culture.


This is Central Library in Seattle. 


Have a good day!!

Live strong, live right



