Oil painting


Motohiro's bath
He likes to take long baths, and if we leave him alone, he'll stay in the bath for a full hour. He stays in the lukewarm bathtub for a long time. And he's the first to take a bath. Mom, who is waiting, gets annoyed. So after about 30 minutes, I ask Motohiro from outside the bathroom if he's washed. Of course he hasn't. So I turn on the reheating switch outside the bathroom. The bath water temperature rises and Motohiro gets out of the bathtub and washes his body. He gets out of the bath soon after.
When I take a bath after Motohiro, the bath water is very hot. I add cold water to lower the temperature. Motohiro seems to think that I like hot bath, so he turns on the reheating switch even more.

We all went to the park for a walk. On the way, Mom met an acquaintance and chatted with them.