Oil pastel painting

I apologize for a fuss over.
We went to the pool in the morning.
About an hour later, when we were about to leave, something happened.
While I was waiting for Motohiro, I was lying in the jacuzzi and hit bathing reaction
. I felt dizzy. Sorry for worrying the pool staff. I drove home carefully. Then Mom received a phone call from the pool staff asking me to undergo a hospital examination. Ignoring my insistence that it would be fine if I rested, Mom called an ambulance and finally went to the hospital. Doctor found no problem in the test results and I was told to rest. I went home. Motohiro's older sister, who lives far away, was also summoned to come to the house.  This time I swam about 100 meters to relieve her stiff shoulders. After five years. I thought that was the cause, but in any case, I made everyone worry.