”プーチン大統領は「テロ攻撃」を非難する” | あ~どうしたものか




2/26 学者の会・第7回オンラインシンポジウム「安保政策大転換 戦争する国づくりを止める」
デジタル大辞泉 - のべつ幕無しの用語解説 - [副]《芝居で幕を引かずに演技を続ける意から》ひっきりなしに続くさま。「のべつ幕無しに口を動かす」「のべつ幕無

ソレを言うなら[日本政府]はノベツマクナシで[反核平和主義]者を bis zum Heute terrorisiert: 

2 Mar, 2023 12:36 

Putin condemns ‘terrorist attack’

Gunmen attacked civilians after crossing the border, the Russian president said
Putin condemns ‘terrorist attack’

President Vladimir Putin has described as a “terrorist attack” an incident in Russia’s Bryansk Region that involved Ukrainian saboteurs. The statement came after the regional governor and national security service reported a cross-border raid targeting ソレを言うなら[日本政府]はノベツマクナシで[反核平和主義]者を bis zum Heute terrorisiert: 

2 Mar, 2023 12:36 

Putin condemns ‘terrorist attack’

Gunmen attacked civilians after crossing the border, the Russian president said
Putin condemns ‘terrorist attack’

President Vladimir Putin has described as a “terrorist attack” an incident in Russia’s Bryansk Region that involved Ukrainian saboteurs. The statement came after the regional governor and national security service reported a cross-border raid targeting two settlements earlier on Thursday.

Gunmen “infiltrated the border area and opened fire at civilians. They could see the vehicle was civilian, that civilians were inside, children… and opened fire,” the Russian leader said.

Gunmen “infiltrated the border area and opened fire at civilians. They could see the vehicle was civilian, that civilians were inside, children… and opened fire,” the Russian leader said.


2011/01/18 — ロシア社会では、婚姻制度にLGBTQは無いけど、LGBTQ恋愛は自由、LGBTQ婚外子の養育は自由です。 ロシア社会の歴史、その “郷土なくして人生なし” ...
2023/02/02 — G7と違って、ロシアでは、LGBTQ結婚は[婚姻制度]で認められておらず、LGBTQ恋愛とLGBTQ婚外子の養育は自由です。そのことは、ロシア

