Muslim police killed 22-Year-Old woman for scarf | There can be only one...

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Marvelous and Swell..., Goddamn it!

Title:Muslim police kill 22-year-old woman for her scarf.



I read an article in the "Financial Times" this evening and had a few thoughts.

今晩の『financial Times』の記事を読んで、思った事を少々。


★Najmeh Bozorgmehr(2022)"Mahsa Amini has become a potent symbol of Iran’s female oppression", Financial Times, published at 19:48, Sep. 21st, 2022.


§1. 英語

A 22-year-old woman was arrested by police who wanted to uphold Islamic morality because of the way she was wearing her scarf, and was assaulted by the police, resulting in her death.
There is no justification for the assault.

Only evil can justify killing people because of their clothing.

The reason that Islam's polygamy and restrictions on women's dress had a certain universal validity, even from the perspective of non-Muslims, was because it was effective in defending the right to life and basic human rights of war victims and women in less civilized areas.

In today's world, where the understanding of human rights has advanced beyond regional, national, cultural, and racial boundaries, the aforementioned Islamic restrictions have become more detrimental in many areas.

It is right to emphasize the significance of Islamic restrictions in the defense of human rights and the right to life, but unless Muslims realize that assaulting women and taking their lives in defense of these restrictions seriously undermines the legitimacy of their support for Islam itself, such a This tragedy will be repeated over and over again.

The result will be the spread and deepening of unjust prejudice, contempt, and hostility toward Islam among non-Muslims.



§2. Japanese







§3. PostScript (追記)

[Fri, 7th, Oct. 2022].

On the Sadness on MahsaAmini.

Every Good one couldn't believe this press release by the Iranian Police.

How dare you say that!




イラン警察に逮捕され、拘留中に死んだMahsa Aminiさんの死因は「脳疾患」に関係しており、「殴打が原因」では無い、とイスラム共和国が発表した。

