China's Attacking on Freedom under COVID-19 | There can be only one...

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Marvelous and Swell..., Goddamn it!

Title:Uneder the Terrible situation by "COVID-19", 
The Chinese Government is NOW Reinforcing Attack on the Freedom of Citizens of Hong Kong.

【Abstract for Japanese:日本人向けに要約】

#1. 私は中国政府に依る「国家安全保障法」の香港への適用に同意しません。
#2. 私は米国の「2019年・香港人権・民主主義法」には全体的に賛同します。

【English Body】
I have to show at least these following two opinions:

#1. I will never agree with The Application of "National Security Act" by Chinese Government (国家安全保障法;國安法) to Hong Kong.
There's no room for any argument on this.

cf. National Security Act (國安法) of China.
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#2. I'm totally for "the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019"(2019年・香港人権・民主主義法: S.1838 Public Law No: 116-76) established on Nov. 27, 2019(113 Stat. 1161).

cf. The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 (HKHRDA).
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First of all, check this "Demosisto"(香港眾志)'s post.

★香港眾志 Demosistō [May 28, 2020A] "回應美國國務卿宣布「香港不再自治」記招"(English: in response to us secretary of state's announcement that "Hong Kong no longer autonomy"), Facebook.

By the "National Perople's Congress"(NPC,全国人民代表大会) of China, at Beijing on May 22th in 2020,
"A draft decision on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to safeguard national security"
(拙訳: 国家安全保障の保護を目的とした、香港特別行政区(HKSAR)に対する、法制度と執行機構との確立及び改善に関する決定案)
was submitted (Mingmei 2020).

★Mingmei Ed. [May 22nd, 2020] "China Focus: Draft decision on HK national security legislation submitted to NPC", Xinhua News Agency.

"Wang Chen"(王晨), the Vice Chairperson(副委員長) of the 13th Standing Committee(SC,常務委員会),

----the increasingly notable national security risks in the HKSAR have become a prominent problem,
  the vice chairman said, 
  citing activities that have seriously challenged 
  the bottom line of the "one country, two systems" principle, 
  harmed the rule of law, and 
  threatened national sovereignty, security and development interests.

  Law-based and forceful measures must be taken 
  to prevent, stop and punish such activities-----(ibid.).

----Article 23 of the Basic Law of the HKSAR stipulates that 
  the HKSAR shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of 
  treason, secession, sedition, subversion 
  against the Central People's Government, 
  or theft of state secrets, 
  to prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies 
  from conducting political activities in the HKSAR, 
  and to prohibit political organizations or bodies of the HKSAR 
  from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodies----(ibid.).

  ★此処(Article 23)は特に重要なので、和訳を付す。
  "と規定している(stipulates that)"。

cf. Wang Chen (王晨, born Dec. 1950) [ ].
cf. Xinhua News Agency (新華社;新華通訊社;新华通讯社)[ ].

He also said "The only way to prevent further chaos is to reinforce sovereignty of China over Hong Kong" for the interview by the Global Times (Qingqing 2020).

★Chen Qingqing [May 22nd, 2020] "Draft decision on HK national security law submitted to top legislature, stresses zero tolerance to secessionism, foreign interference", Global Times.

We have already known, the Hong Knong "PLICE FORCE" had fired 6 bullets and arrested "INNOCENT" 180 citizens "AGAIN" (Hong Kong Police Forece 2020; ).

★Hong Kong Police "FORCE" [May 24th, 2020] "Rioters wreak havoc across HK; Police arrest at least 180", Facebook, May 24th at 11:04 PM.

Most citizens of Hong kong knows "What is Freedom" 
under the Rule of United Kingdom from 1843 to 1997.

So, We all know The Last British Governor of Hong Kong, Chris Patten.
He wrote an article on Financial Times on this May 25th in 2020 (Patten 2020).

★Chris Patten [May 25th, 2020] "The G7 must stand up for Hong Kong’s freedom", Financial Times.

cf. Chris Patten.
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On May 22nd, The Secretary of State, Mike Pompero talked that...

----If passed, the national security proposals 
  “would be a death knell for the high degree of autonomy Beijing promised for Hong Kong”-----

in an "E-mailed statement to the New York Times" [ ] (Buckley and Bradsher 2020).

★Chris Buckley and Keith Bradsher [May 22nd, 2020] "As Coronavirus Keeps the West at Bay, China Moves to Tame Hong Kong", The New York Times.

After this, Joshua Wong (黃之鋒) said...

----The security law 
  However, the law will profoundly erode the city’s firewalls, 
  especially when a Beijing-led secret police branch is to be set up, 
  and when Beijing’s board definition of national security is imposed.
  In the past, China treated stock markets and the flow of capital 
  as part of its national security.
  The proposed law is the stepping stone for its future intervention. 
  In order to protect the business interest in the city, 
  especially those choosing Hong Kong as the regional headquarters, 
  it is crucial for companies to voice out and oppose the passing of the law. 
  To maintain the autonomy status of Hong Kong is 
  the only way to maintain business interest. -----

★ Joshua Wong (黃之鋒) [May 28th, 2020] "My message to world leaders and foreign companies", Facebook.

★香港眾志 Demosistō [May 28th, 2020B] "香港眾志回應美國擬訂正取消香港特殊地位"(English: RESPONSE TO US SECRETARY POMPEO OFFICIAL DECERTIFICATION OF HONG KONG SPECIAL STATUS), Facebook.