⛩️ Uhachiman Shrine(Tokushima city) 🌺 



Umi (or Ubu) Hachiman Shrin


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The tradition of valuing nature and respecting our ancestors lives on in shrines and temples.




The  Hachiman Shrine.Ubuhachiman Shrine is said to be the birthplace of Emperor Ojin.It is said to have been loved by the locals as the god of childbirth.                    



⛩️Birthplace of Emperor Ojin

⛩️ Ubu hachiman Shrine 








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Ubuhachiman Shrine is said to be the birthplace of Emperor Ojin, who is buried in the world's second largest burial mound (approximately 425 meters long and 300 meters wide).It is said to have been loved by the locals as the god of childbirth.

産八幡神社石段前 In front of the stone steps of Ubu hachiman Shrine


The two deities enshrined are Emperor Ojin and the Emperor's mother, Empress Jingu, who is famous for the Sankan Seibatsu.



Next, I would like to examine one of the grounds for the Sankan Conquest, which is said to have been carried out by Empress Jingu, the empress of the 14th Emperor, Emperor Chuai, who was the son of Takeru of Japan.

三韓征伐Punish and guide Sanhan 月岡芳年筆 日本史略図会 第十五代神功皇后




[On-site research by Dr. Ryuzo Torii]

In 1913, Dr. Ryuzo Torii of the University of Tokyo, a native of Tokushima Prefecture, conducted a field survey.The inscription of King Gwanggaeto states that the Kingdom of Wakoku subjugated Baekje and Silla and fought fiercely against Goguryeo. Recorded from a point of Goguryeo view.

広開土王碑King Gwanggaeto Monument



[Lee Jin-hee's theory of tampering with King Gwanggaeto Monument]

However, at one point in 1972, Lee Jin-hee claimed that the Gwanggaeto Monument had been tampered with.




[The theory of falsification and fabrication by Xu Jianxin of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is completely denied]

In April 2006, Xu Jianxin of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences announced that the oldest existing rubbing made in 1881 and the Sakawa manuscript are completely identical. As a result, theories of falsification and fabrication have been completely denied, and it has been recognized as historical fact.

産八幡神社拝殿前In front of the worship hall of Ubuyashiki Shrine





The character on the stone lantern might be the "u"of the universe  and "fu"of the  attached .

The following "Hachiman" is said to represent the god of war, Emperor Ojin.

Should I read it as "Ubu"?

By the way, the address of the shrine is Kamonamachi Uminomiya.



On the plaque on the torii gate is the character "Ubu", which means "childbirth".

The "Hachiman" that follows is the god of war, Emperor Ojin.

It is called "Ubuhachiman".


日本書紀巻第十譽田天皇 應神天皇



「応神天皇である誉田天皇(ほむたのすめらみこと)は足仲彥天皇(ちゅうあいてんのう)の第四皇子で、母は神功皇后である氣長足姬尊(おきながたらしひめのみこと)と呼ばれる。 天皇は皇后が新羅を討った年の、庚辰冬十二月に筑紫の蚊田(かた)で生まれました。」と書かれています。

In Nihon Shoki Volume 10 Emperor Ojin,

Emperor Homuta no Sumeramiko, the Emperor Ojin, was the fourth son of Emperor Chuaitenno, and his mother was Empress Okinagatarashihimenomi. The Emperor was born in Kata, Tsukushi in the December of the winter of the year when the Empress attacked Silla.


日本書紀巻第九尊 神氣長足姬功皇后



日本書紀巻第九 神功皇后では、




In Nihon Shoki Volume 9, Empress Jingu,

”The Empress has returned from Silla Shiragi.

On December 14th, she gave birth to the future Emperor Ojin in Chikushi Chikushi.

The people of the time named the place where it was produced and called it Umi (Umi Town, Fukuoka Prefecture)”.  is written.


Volume 10 states that Emperor Ojin was born in kata, Tsukushi.



Volume 9 describes Emperor Ojin's naming of the place where it was produced, called Umi (Umi Town, Fukuoka Prefecture). The character ”uu” has the meaning of the world, and the character ”瀰” has the meaning of expectation such as Hiro, Hisashii, Hisashi, Tooi, Finally, etc. Does it mean ``the world's long-awaited birth''?



The stone lantern has characters that are very similar to "Umi", and the accompanying text says that the U of the universe is the same, so I wonder if it should be read as Uzoe or Ubu. The characters ``Soeten'' have the meanings of ``soeru'' and ``soeru''. I don't think it's very appropriate, so it's probably an abbreviation for み. It's probably the sea. The address is also Uminomiya.




Nowadays, the characters on the plaque say "Ubu" and call it "Ubu", but it would not be incorrect to call it "Umi", in fact, it was probably called that way in the past. The address is also Umi no miya.

Umi Umi is the birth of the Emperor that the world has been waiting for.





品陀和氣命(ほむだわけのみこと) - 『古事記』(応神天皇)

誉田別命(ほんだわけのみこと) 「命」の文字を「尊」に変えると、日本書紀の応神天皇❔

息長帯比売命(おきながたらしひめのみこと) - 『古事記』(神功皇后)




On the west side in front of the shrine, there is a shrine said to be dedicated to the god of the land.

The deity enshrined at Umi Hachiman Shrine is

Homudawake no Mikoto, Emperor Ojin in the Kojiki.

Homudawake  no Mikoto, if you change the character “life” to “respect”, it is Emperor Ojin of Nihon Shoki, but ❔.

Okinagatarashihime no Mikoto is Empress Jingu in the Kojiki.




I find it a little strange that one Emperor Ojin is considered to be one of two pillars.

At some point, I began to think that the god of this shrine was Takeuchi Sukune.



A painting of Takeuchi Sukune standing close to Emperor Ojin as a vassal despite being a member of the imperial family.

A painting of Takeuchi Sukune standing close to Empress Jingu as a vassal and a member of the imperial family before, during, and after the conquest of the Three Koreas. are left behind.

祠。Shrine.応神天皇又は神功皇后との、武内宿祢の絵 Picture of Takeuchi no Sukune with Emperor Ojin or Empress Jingu




Ubuhachiman Shrine is located at the end of the east road south of Tokushima Prefectural Central Hospital.

Why not visit it once?


Between the Yoshino River and the Old Yoshino River on the north side of Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, there is Ojin Town, which has the same name as Emperor Ojin.



In Ojin Town, there is one shrine where Emperor Ojin is the main enshrined deity, and two shrines where Takeuchi Sukune is the main enshrined deity, and I have seen a rock marking Takeuchi Sukune's grave at the southeast foot of Mt. Bizan. 



In any case, we would like to inherit the thoughts of our ancestors who were active in ancient times and pass them on to the young people of the future.

産八幡神社 本殿or元宮❔Ubu Hachiman Shrine Main Hall or Motomiya❔



Tokushima Prefecture, Awa Province, has been rich in nature since ancient times due to its abundance of water, and ruins dating back more than 10,000 years have been excavated.




Our country doesn't have much rainfall, but why is it that we have so much water?

The reason for this is simple: the mountain forests, which make up two-thirds of the country, act as dams to store water.



In addition, forests with roots extending into the ground have played a role not only in dams but also in protecting us from landslides such as debris flows.



In fact, some people may be surprised to learn that 70% of the forests that cover our country are artificial forests.




Such large-scale tree planting and tree cultivation cannot be achieved overnight.

This is because our ancestors, thousands of years ago, have continued to cherish forests and forests by planting trees in the mountains every time they encounter a disaster.



We also value the nature of the mountains, rivers, and sea that we inherited from our ancestors, and we want to pass on this precious natural environment to the next generation.


※※ 撮影場所 ※※

※※ Shooting location ※※


10 Uminomiya, Kamonacho, Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture

※※ 引用先URL ※※


Wikipedia  産八幡神社    すえドンのフォト日記  徳島市「産八幡神社」♪



Wikipedia  仲哀天皇 


Wikipedia  神功皇后 



Wikipedia  三韓征伐    徳島県立鳥居龍蔵記念博物館の広開土王碑の写真   Wikipedia広開土王碑 



Wikipedia  応神天皇 


Wikipedia  誉田御廟山古墳 





Seisaku.bz日本書紀巻第九氣長足姬尊 神功皇后    古代日本まとめ 日本書紀・日本語訳「第九巻:神功皇后」 | 古代日本まとめ 



Seisaku.bz 日本書紀巻第十譽田天皇 應神天皇    古代日本まとめ 日本書紀・日本語訳「第十巻:応神天皇」 



I want to protect it carefully. The bond between people and people, people and living things, and people and nature.



I want to learn wisdom for that from ancient times.



And I want to share that wisdom with everyone.




Thank you very much.


Well then, everyone is in 

a good mood.




The tradition of valuing nature and respecting our ancestors lives on in shrines and temples.
