Ryogokubashi South, Shinmachi River, Seibu Park, Fukuroi Canal



 Cherry blossoms Tokushima City

🌸桜 徳島市🌸 両国橋南ロ新町川ロ西部公園ロ袋井用水

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Cherry Blossom viewing

◆※※ 🌸桜の花見 ※※◆

Cherry Blossom

🌸Cherry Blossom viewing cuiture🌸



4 cherry blossom viewing spots in Tokushima City




🌸桜 徳島市の桜🌸 スポット4選

Cherry blossoms in Tokushima city 徳島県


This time, we will introduce four famous cherry blossom spots in Tokushima City.


The first is the Cherry Blossoms at Shinmachigawa Park South end of Ryogoku Bridge

2つ目は、 🌸新町川河辺の桜

The second is Cherry blossoms along the Shinmachi River

3つ目は、 🌸西部公園の桜

The 3rd one Cherry blossoms at Seibu Park

今回最後の4つ目は、  🌸袋井用水の桜です。

The fourth and final one this time is the Cherry blossoms at Fukuroi Canal


🌸桜 徳島市 両国橋南詰新町川公園の桜 

Cherry Blossoms at Shinmachigawa Park South end of Ryogoku Bridge in Tokushima


There is a Winter cherry tree in the center of Shinmachigawa Park, which is located at the south end of Ryogoku Bridge in Tokushima City.


This cherry tree blooms every year around the National Foundation Day on February 11, a month earlier than other cherry blossoms.


Winter cherry blossoms invite people to anticipate spring, which will arrive about a month later.


🌸桜 徳島市 新町川河辺の桜 

Cherry blossoms along the Shinmachi River 徳島県


Every year, on the vernal equinox around March 20th, which is a national holiday, cherry blossoms are in full bloom here and there.


Along the banks of the Shinmachi River, which runs through the center of Tokushima City's old town, the cherry blossoms planted along the river bloom all at once, pleasing the eyes of passersby.


First, enjoy the cherry blossoms from the riverside behind the local culture hall in Awa Gin Hall.


Next, cross the Aisen Bridge to the southwest.


From the southwest end of Kasuga Bridge, proceed northeast on Kasuga Bridge.


Proceed northwest along the river bank on the south side of Aibahama Park.


🌸桜 徳島市 西部公園の桜

Cherry blossoms at Seibu Park in Tokushima City 徳島県


Mount Bizan, which traverses the center of Tokushima City, is famous for the title of the book and movie in which singer Masashi Sada wrote a novel and made it into a movie.


Seibu Park, located halfway up the northern side of Mt. Bizan, is one of Tokushima Prefecture's leading cherry blossom viewing spots, and has been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom spots.


The cherry blossoms blooming on the old trees make you feel not only the charm but also the dignity.


From the north side of the park, you can see Tokushima University Hospital and the townscape of Shomachi.


Further north, you can see the flow of the Yoshino River of Saburo Shikoku in the east and west, and the Asan Mountains on the border with Kagawa Prefecture spread out in the far north.

🌸桜 徳島市 袋井用水の桜

Cherry blossoms at Fukuroi Canal in Tokushima City 徳島県


Go west on National Route 192, and Fukuroi Canal flows on the left and right of the intersection just before the east end intersection of Akui Bridge.


Fukuroi irrigation canal enjoys the scenery of cherry blossoms and cherry blossoms reflected in the irrigation canal.


First, while watching the cherry blossoms on the north side from the south side of the national highway, cross the national highway to the north side and enjoy the cherry blossoms on the north side.


Next, while watching the cherry blossoms on the south side from the north side of the national highway, cross the national highway to the south side and enjoy the cherry blossoms on the south side.


it's very beautiful.


I want to carefully protect the bonds between people and people, people and creatures, and people and nature.

I want to learn the wisdom for that from nature, history ,cultural and customs.

And I would like to share that wisdom with everyone.





Thank you very much.  Well then,

everyone is in a good mood.

good bye.




