2017年3月末、ヨルダン初代国王アブドゥッラー1世のひ孫Princess Nejla bint Asem(初代国王アブドゥッラー1世の一番下の息子ナイーフ・ビン・アブドゥッラーPrince Naif bin Al-Abdullahの息子Prince Asem bin Nayefの娘)がオリジナルジュエリーラインを16種類発表。
“I draw my inspiration from my days as a child walking through Downtown Amman and romanticising about the semi-precious stones in the shops,” Princess Nejla said.
ご両親Prince Asem bin Nayef&Princess Sana
Prince Asem bin Nayefアセム・ベン・ナイーフ王子には5人の娘と一人の息子がいます。彼のファミリーは全員ロイヤルファミリーとみなされています。
父と4人の娘Princesses Nejla , Salha , Yasmine , Noor .
Princesses Nejla , Salha , Yasmine , Noor .
再婚した妻Princess Sana Gathred
1974年に Firouzeh Vokhshouriと結婚1985年離婚
Half siblings:
1.Princess Yasmine (born 30 June 1975)married on 2 September 2005 HE Mr. Basel Yaghnam
2.Princess Sarah (born 12 August 1978), married on 26 June 2008 HE Mr. Alejandro Garrido
3.Princess Noor (born 6 October 1982), married from 29 August 2003 til 9 September 2009 Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein
1985年に現在の妻Princess Sana Asemと結婚
Ful lsiblings:
4.Princess Salhaサナ・アセム王女(born 14 June 1987) married on 4 April 2011 HE Mr. Mohamad Hashim Haj-Hassan
5.Princess Nejla (born 9 May 1988) married Nasser Osama Talhouni. The couple has a baby girl named Kareemah (born January 2016).
6.Prince Nayef (born 22 January 1998)