Tomorrow’s New Moon in Cancer | astrodori9178のブログ



Tomorrow, a New Moon in Cancer will occur. The energy of this special New Moon strongly affects our emotions, home, and past memories. Cancer is a sign that symbolizes family and emotional bonds, and the New Moon signifies new beginnings. This is a great opportunity to reflect on ourselves and our relationships with loved ones.

The Impact of the New Moon in Japan

This New Moon happens at 7:57 AM in Cancer, and is located in the 11th House in Japan. The 11th House represents friendships, communities, and future hopes and dreams. This New Moon is an excellent opportunity for us to build new friendships, strengthen existing relationships, and set new goals for the future. Additionally, this New Moon is opposite the Vertex in Capricorn. The Vertex is a point that indicates fateful encounters and significant turning points, and Capricorn’s energy values responsibility and achievement.

This placement suggests that we may feel a deeper sense of responsibility and mission within our community and friendships. We can also receive support to use past experiences and lessons to move forward towards new goals.

Memories of My Grandparents

I loved my grandparents dearly. They were special figures in my life, and the time I spent with them is deeply etched in my heart. When I lost my grandparents, I was 13 and 15 years old. The sense of loss was indescribably immense, and I felt like I had lost my purpose in life.

The love and teachings they gave me still live on in my heart. As we welcome the New Moon in Cancer, I want to take time to reflect on my memories with my grandparents and reaffirm that love. Borrowing the energy of the New Moon, I want to solidify my resolve to take new steps forward with their memory in my heart.

Riding the Waves of Emotion

The energy of Cancer is very responsive to our emotional waves. The emotions of love and loss are always present in our lives, and sometimes the intensity of those emotions can overwhelm us. Memories with loved ones wrap our hearts warmly, while their loss brings deep sorrow.

My memories with my grandparents also intertwine love and loss. The time with them is a treasure for me, and even now that they are gone, those memories support me. However, the sense of loss sometimes overwhelms me, and I find myself shedding tears in deep sorrow.

How to Spend the New Moon and Lucky Items

To maximize the energy of the New Moon, the following ways of spending time are recommended:

  1. Spend quiet time: Create time to reflect on yourself through meditation or journaling. Writing about memories with your family and expressing gratitude to them is one way.
  2. Hold a feeling of gratitude: Express your gratitude to family and loved ones to utilize Cancer’s energy.
  3. Set new goals: The New Moon symbolizes new beginnings. It is a good opportunity to make new plans.
  4. Implement your plans: After the New Moon passes, it is the best time to start concrete actions. The energy is set for advancing new plans and projects.
  5. Embrace your loved ones: Hug family, friends, and your partner, and express your gratitude.
  6. Meet with friends: Make time to deepen your interactions with friends. It's a chance to build new friendships and bonds.
  7. Refresh your home: Clean or redecorate your home and create a space where you can meditate quietly.
  8. Organize your photos: Organize photos on your phone, computer, or in your home, and cherish those memories.

Lucky Items

  • Moonstone: Strengthens the energy of the Moon, Cancer’s ruling planet, and supports intuition and emotions.
  • Silver accessories: Symbolizing the Moon, silver attracts Cancer’s energy and helps balance emotions.
  • White flowers: Representing purity and new beginnings, white flowers enhance the energy of the New Moon in Cancer.

In Conclusion

The New Moon in Cancer is a time to focus on emotions, home, and past memories. For me, it is a good opportunity to cherish memories with my grandparents and take new steps forward. Let’s all use the special energy of this New Moon to deepen our bonds with ourselves and our loved ones and make a fresh start.

The power of love we hold brings both sorrow and joy. By accepting both and riding the waves of emotion, we can continue to grow.