lore | 英語勉強の軌跡とかなんとか







  1. 〔地域の伝統などに関する〕言い伝え、伝承◆不可算
  2. 〔教育や経験から得る〕知恵、知識
  • I'm good at lore. 
    • 私はゲームの背景知識や物語に詳しい
単純なストーリーだけでなく、ゲームの背後にある物語や歴史を表しています。なので、loreは、the background story of a game、backstoryともいえるかもしれません。




When we talk about the "content" of a game, it generally includes both the gameplay (how to play, rules, missions, etc.) and the game's story or background information, which is often referred to as "lore." However, the term "lore" specifically focuses on the narrative and historical aspects, such as the world-building, character backgrounds, history, and mythology within the game. Therefore, while "lore" is part of the overall content of a game, we don't usually refer to all game content directly as "lore." Instead, we use "lore" more specifically to refer to the narrative and background information that enriches the game world.