Have you thought where do I want to made a last moment?

When there is a person who reached the time of death in the family or friend, maybe you think how I want to make a last moment, or how is my last moment going to be.

Most of the patients and people says that they want to go back to their home and die in their own bed.
My ideal is also to die at home as a natural death.

Many of foreign people have a job in Japan and sometimes you bring your family to Japan.

But sometimes your family got sick and want or need to go back to your mother country and have a treatment.

Have you ever had any experience try to find a nurse attending service for your sick family?

We are happy to help you.

We can attend and take care you and your family as a nurse from the hospital in Japan to hospital in your mother country.

Or our nurse go to your mother country's hospital (or an airport) and bring your family to the hospital (or your house) in Japan.

Please do not hesitate to call or to email.
Thank you


Ambi Co., Ltd. (Aroma Nursing Care Co., Ltd.)
