


Today's weather in Shuzenji Hot Springs:

Clear in the morning and cloudy later.

Right rain fall after 3 in the afternoon.
新井旅館 花の棟 の借景



View from Arai Ryokan Hana Wing

Here are the shots filmed as I walked around

Bamboo Grove Lane

the view ranked two starts in Micheling Green Guide




只今新緑がとってもきれいです。 Fresh green leaves are very attractive



登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記



The shot filmed from Katsura Bridge at the east side of Hana Wing  

登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記



Bamboo Lane along the river toward Kaede Bridge at the west side of Hana Wing




The name of bridges is originated from the name of daughters of Yashao, a mask sculotor.

a hero of Story of Shuzenji.  




新井旅館 霞の棟 の前から撮った桂橋です。

Katsura Bridge filmed in front of Arai Ryokan Kasumi Wing

登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記


Now is the season of fresh green leaves of maple which turn to vivid red in autumn.  



Kasumi Wing filmed from Katsura Bridge, the opposite angle


登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記




Cherry blossom season finished several days ago and the fresh green leaves season

has started.






View from the other side of the bridge. Arai Ryokan Hana Wing on the right

and the bamboo grove lane on the left.


登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記



竹林の小径を歩いていると、 As walking in the bamboo grove lane,

登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記


山吹や、 Kerria



登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記




Cluster of Madagasster periwinkle




そしてやっぱり竹林ですね、 And the bamboo grove



登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記



タケノコもいっぱい顔を出しています。 Bamboo Shoot





採っちゃダメですよ。  No picking, please.


We look forward to your visit to our website.


歴史・文化に囲まれた宿 新井旅館  www.arairyokan.net




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