




Clear day here in Shuzenji Hot Springs

Gentle sunshine makes me doze.

Warm weather has brought blooming.



To wake me up, I took a walk to The Bamboo Grove lane along Arai Ryokan's

Ayame and Kiri wings. 

登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記


こちらは、あやめの棟の前の桜。 In front of Ayame


少し開いてきた感じです。 Blooming has slowly started.


左に独鈷の湯があります。 At the left of the tree, Tokko no Yu is located. 

少し先に進みます。 Keep walking along Katsura River 

登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記




登録文化財 霞の棟   霞七番の部屋

On the right, Kasumi Wing, the national registered cultural assets

Kasumi 7 is the guestroom where the celebrated Japanese painting artist

Yokoyama Taikan and the kabuki actor Nakamura Kichiemon the 1st.  




This shoin style architecture wing was built in 1908 and no renovation is made since.

Very spacious room and popular among the guests from overseas  
登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記



View of Kasumi wing from Katsura Bridge

登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記


手前の枝はかなり開いています。 Mostly bloomed on the branchs forward



旅館に戻って、霞の部屋からの様子がこちら。 View from Kasumi wing room

登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記

明日の土曜日は少しお客様が戻って参りました。 For the first time in the past weeks,

many guests will visit Arai Ryokan



Hoping everyone enjoys cherry blossom viewing.

Drooping cherry trees in Shuzenji Temple are bloomed, too.


登録文化財 新井旅館  あらゐ日記



We look forward to your visit to our website.


歴史・文化に囲まれた宿 新井旅館  www.arairyokan.net




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