


Fifteen structures of Arai Ryokan was registered as the national cultural

assets in 1998.

今日はその中の 月の棟 を紹介します。

Today, we would like to introduce one of them, Tsuki Wing


The wing was built in 1919.


The motif of exterior design is the mounting of Ho-ou-do temple of Uji-Byou-do-in,

the national treasure in Kyoto. The wing was built to express the traditional architecture

of Fujiwara era, the 9th century.


The roof of entrance porch certainly reminds of the temple in Kyoto.


In 1960, the interior was renovated for the purpose of anti-fire and earthquake

and modernization.

その際 川端龍子画伯 に考証をしていただき、至る所で龍子画伯の思いを垣間見ることが出来ます。

Great Japanese painting artist, Kawabata Ryushi, offered a great support to the renovation, such as

the historical investigation and design. You will notice the artist's idea at many spots.

また、もう80年以上も前の話で恐縮ですが ・ ・ ・ 歴史を語らせてください。

The memory goes back to more than 80 years.


小説家 芥川龍之介 

Great novelist, Akutagawa Ryunosuke

,who died on July 24 in 1927 at young age of 35,


stayed at Tsuki Wing for about one month from April 10 to May 3

and wrote a story titled "Letters from Hot Springs"

  「温泉だより」 を執筆しています。


We'll talk more about Akutagawa Ryunosuke in a next blog.

歴史・文化に囲まれた宿 新井旅館  www.arairyokan.net

宿泊できる文化財・・・国の登録有形文化財 新井旅館

Stay at the ryokan of national cultural assets