

repudiate [ripjúːdièit] (12) vt formal 1.(申出など)を拒否する、(支払いなど)を拒む、2.公式に否定する、3.《古》縁を切る
repudiation [ripjùːdiéiʃən] (16) nU formal 拒否、否認


語源 (Merriam-Webster)
Did You Know?
In Latin, the noun "repudium" refers to the rejection of a spouse or prospective spouse, and the related verb repudiare means "to divorce" or "to reject." In the 16th century, English writers used the derivative "repudiate" to mean "to divorce," when in reference to a wife, or "to disown," when in reference to a member of one's family, or just generally "to reject or cast off." By the 19th century the word had also come to be used for the rejection of things that one does not accept as true or just, ranging from opinions and accusations to contracts and debts.
ラテン語 repudium配偶者、配偶者候補の拒否」 → repudiare離婚する、拒否する
repudiate は最初「離婚する」「縁を切る」「拒絶する、関係を絶つ」を意味していたが、19世紀になって「意見・告発・契約・負債等々、真実または正当だと受け入れられないことへの拒否」に使われるように


意味 (Oxford Advanced Learner's)
1 repudiate something to refuse to accept something synonym reject
to repudiate a suggestion
Socialism had been repudiated at the polls.
Borrowers have begun repudiating their debt obligations.
The buyer is entitled to repudiate the contract within a reasonable period of time.

2 repudiate something to say officially and/or publicly that something is not true synonym deny
to repudiate a report
3 repudiate somebody (old-fashioned) to refuse to be connected with somebody any longer synonym disown
He repudiated his first wife and married her sister.


例文 (Longman)
▪ Unfortunately, because of the delay, Major Anson repudiated the contract to buy G-AECB.
▪ The book repudiates all the racist stereotypes about black women.
▪ Craxi repudiated the allegations and Chiesa himself subsequently claimed that his own testimony to magistrates had been distorted.
▪ No answer was offered by Freud about why men and women seem to repudiate the feminine.
▪ The expenditure was subsequently repudiated by the Colonial Office and the villa was turned into a fine hotel with a station alongside.

