巧みな | 難単攻略




Accomplished bears with it a sense of refinement after much training and practice: an accomplished violinist who played the sonata flawlessly. (American Heritage)
accomplished [əkɑ́mpliʃt] (5) 「多くの訓練と練習の後の洗練の意味を持つ」


expert implies extraordinary proficiency and often connotes knowledge as well as technical skill <expert in the evaluation of wines>.  (Merriam Webster)
expert [ékspəːrt] (3) 「極めて熟達していて、しばしば技術に加え知識も含意」


Handy applies mainly to physical skill, often achieved without formal training: handy with tools. (Random House)
handy [hǽndi] (3) 「主に身体的技術、しばしば正式な訓練なしに獲得したもの、に用いられる」


Skilled implies sound, thorough competence and often mastery, as in an art, craft, or trade: a skilled gymnast who won an Olympic medal. (American Heritage)
skilled [skíld] (5) 「芸術・工芸・取引などでの、適切で徹底的な能力・しばしば熟達を示唆」


Skillful adds to skilled the idea of natural dexterity in performance or achievement: is skillful in the use of the hand loom. (American Heritage)
skil(l)ful [skílfl] (4) 「skilled に、仕事ぶりや成果における生得の器用さを加味」


難しめの語 (右由来の単語がふたつ)


adept [a:ədépt n:ǽdept] (10) a (難しいことに)熟達した (at, in)、n 達人
Adept suggests a natural aptitude improved by practice: became adept at cutting the fabric without using a pattern. (American Heritage)


adroit [ədrɔ́it] (16) a (思考・行動・発言などが)巧みな、機敏な
adroit implies dexterity but usually also stresses resourcefulness or artfulness or inventiveness <the magician's adroit response to the failure of her prop won applause>. (Merriam Webster)
Did You Know? (Merriam Webster)
To understand the origin of "maladroit," you need to put together some Middle French and Old French building blocks. The first is the word mal, meaning "bad," and the second is the phrase a droit, meaning "properly." You can parse the phrase even further into the components a, meaning "to" or "at," and droit, meaning "right, direct, or straight." Middle French speakers put those pieces together as "maladroit" to describe the clumsy among them, and English speakers borrowed the word intact back in the 17th century. Its opposite, of course, is "adroit," which we adopted from the French in the same century.
adroit とその反意語 maladroit [mæ̀lədrɔ́it](26) 「不器用な、不手際な」は、フランス語由来。
maladroitmal悪い」 + aの方へ・に向けて」 + droit右の・直接の・まっすぐの
尚、フランス語由来で同じく反意語的な「ぎこちない、気の利かない」を意味する gauche [góuʃ](16) は、もともと「左の」を意味した。


consummate [v:kɑ́nsəmèit / a:kənsʌ́mət] (11) formal a [通常名詞の前] 熟達した、完全な(悪い意味でも)、vt 1.(結婚を)性交渉により完了する、2.成し遂げる
1 adj You use consummate to describe someone who is extremely skilful. FORMAL usu ADJsu ADJ n
He acted the part with consummate skill..., Those familiar with Sanders call him a consummate politician. (Collins COBUILD)


deft [déft] (11) a written 1.(行動などが)手際の良い、2.巧みな
Deft suggests a light and assured touch, either physical or mental: deft manipulation of the sensitive controls, of public opinion. (Random House)


dexterous [dékstərəs] (16) a (手先の)器用な、機転のきく
Dexterous implies physical or mental agility: dexterous fingers; a dexterous debater. (American Heritage)
Did You Know?  (Merriam Webster)
Dexterous comes from the Latin word dexter, meaning "on the right side." Since most people are right-handed, and therefore do things more easily with their right hand, dexter developed the sense of skillful. English speakers crafted dexterous from dexter and have been using the resulting adjective for anyone who is skillful-in either a physical or mental capacity-since at least the early 1600s. The adjective ambidextrous, which combines dexter with the Latin prefix ambi-, meaning "both," describes one who is able to use both hands in an equally skillful way.
dexterous は、ラテン語由来 ←  dexter右側に
同語源のambidextrous [æ̀mbidékstərəs](15) は、「両手利きの」を意味する


proficient [prəfíʃnt] (6) a 熟達した (at, in)
proficient implies a thorough competence derived from training and practice <proficient in translating foreign languages>. (Merriam Webster)


参照 (類義語比較)
American Heritage dexterous
American Heritage proficient
Merriam Webster dexterous
Merriam Webster proficient
Random House dexterous