

auspicious [ɔːspíʃəs] (12) a formal 幸先のよい
auspices [ɔ́ːspisiz] (22) n under the auspices of の形で、の主催により
inauspicious [ìnɔːspíʃəs] (19) a 不吉な


Did You Know?  (Merriam-Webster)
Auspicious comes from Latin auspex, which literally means "bird seer" (from the words avis, meaning "bird," and specere, meaning "to look"). In ancient Rome, these "bird seers" were priests, or augurs, who studied the flight and feeding patterns of birds, then delivered prophecies based on their observations. The right combination of bird behavior indicated favorable conditions, but the wrong patterns spelled trouble. The English noun "auspice," which originally referred to this practice of observing birds to discover omens, also comes from Latin auspex. Today, the plural form "auspices" is often used with the meaning "kindly patronage and guidance."
ラテン語auspex鳥予言者」 (= avis」 + specere見る」)


見る」を意味する語根 spec, spic を持つ他の単語としては、
spectator [spékteitər] (5) n 観客
spectacle [spéktəkl] (4) n 見世物、壮観
spectacular [spektǽkjələr] (6) a 壮観な、驚異的な
conspicuous [kənspíkjuəs] (8) a 目立つ
introspection [ìntrəspékʃən (12) n 内省
perspicacious [pə̀ːrspikéiʃəs] (28) n 洞察力のある
specter [spéktər] (11) n 不安、(文)幽霊


意味 (Oxford Advanced Learner's)
showing signs that something is likely to be successful in the future
synonym promising
an auspicious start to the new school year
It was an auspicious date for a wedding.
Their first meeting was hardly auspicious.
It was not a very auspicious beginning to his new career.
We waited for an auspicious moment to make our request.



auspicious start / beginning / moment / occasion


例文 (Longman)
▪ Party officials are advising Mr Takeshita to hang on until he can pick the most auspicious moment to hold a double election.
▪ It is my honour to toast the bride and groom on this auspicious occasion.
▪ Not just because of the extraordinary value it represents, but because of the unique qualities our auspicious holiday retreat has to offer.
▪ Served with a spicy-sweet mustard sauce, this was an auspicious beginning to our meal.
▪ Usually, auspicious times for Hindu weddings are ascertained by Brahmin priests who are paid to consult the stars.

