10年以上前に、アメリカでTurning Japaneseという曲が流行り出した。

A little more than ten years ago, there was this song called "Turning Japanese" that was popular in the U.S.



To be honest, I'm not really sure why it was popular.



It's a really weird song.


日本のことはあまり出てこないのに、サビの部分I think I'm turning Japanese「もしかしたら、日本人になりかけかも」は永遠に繰り返されている。やけん、この意味がない歌詞はずっと頭に残る。

Although the song is nothing about Japanese, the chorus "I think I'm turning Japanese" is repeated endlessly so that the catchy meaningless song stays in your head.



I was born and raised in the U.S. but I think I'm turning Japanese.





"Annechan, you are Japanese!"



"You must have been Japanese in your previous life!"



"You are more Japanese than a Japanese."



People say stuff like this to me all the time.



I like it when people say these things to me, and I take them as the highest of compliments.



It's been more than 20 years since I came to Japan. I've changed a lot, and I am not the same person I was 22 years ago.  There is no doubt that my thinking is aligning more and more with Japanese culture.



Like, although I have never really been interested in nature, these days the fleeting sakura of spring capture my heart.



And although I never really cared about food or treated it with respect, I have now inherited the mottanai spirit.



And I feel unending guilt if I wear shoes in the house.



Anyway, it seems that I have naturally adopted many of those concepts that Japanese hold so closely to their hearts.



Japan has become such a place of belonging for me that I decided to legally become Japanese.



I want to live and die here with the people I call family.



But I have gotten so assimilated into the Japanese culture, that I have begun to feel societal pressure that many in Americans wouldn't understand.  I care way too much about what other people think. I worry about bothering others. and I feel pressure to be like everyone else.



Especially the concept of meiwaku, or causing trouble to other people. This concept is not stressed in the U.S. like it is in Japan, and part of me feels like they are much happier without it.



Japanese kids are taught from childhood not to be a meiwaku. It fact, I don't think it's too much to say that this may even be the supreme goal of life. Whatever you do, you have to put others before yourself and always think about how your actions are going to affect them.



I am not saying that all Americans are selfish people who think only about themselves. Of course, there are many compassionate and thoughtful people who think of those around them. But in general, most Americans are not as conscious of other people like Japanese are. And it's definintely not the supreme goal of life.



In other words, since so many people are more or less looking out for themselves, being somewhat selfish is not really a bad thing there.



Americans often do kind things for others of talk to strangers, but it's not as common as in Japanese to base your actions on how they will affect others--especially in negative ways.



I am sure that most people here are more conscious of meiwaku since the COVID pandemic began.



Most people are way more worried about giving COVID to others than getting it themselves.



I never really understood why celebrities apologize when they catch COVID. I mean, they didn't do anything wrong. The bad guy is COVID, not the person catching it.



But then, they are not apoligizing for catching COVID, but for the problems they are causing people because they caught COVID.






As a researcher, I understood it with my head but not with my heart.



It took 22 years, but recently, I finally understood the heavy weight of meiwaku.





Recently,  I was supposed to give a lecture in Fukuoka. It had been in the works for six months, but it was cancelled right before the event.



Because I tested positive for COVID.



I disappointed more than 200 of my fans and I cried all morning.



I was just so sorry to my fans and the event promoters who put all the hard work into planning this event.



The Japanese in me was overwhelmed with regret of the meiwaku that I had caused to so many people. Of course, testing positive for COVID was not my fault. But the concept of meiwaku doesn't really have much connection to "fault."



In America, people apologize because something is their fault. If it is not their fault, they don't apologize. It is very simple.


アメリカに行ったら、多分数えきれないほど It's not my fault!!!「私のせいじゃないよ!」と聞く。

Perhaps if you go to America, you will hear the phrase "It's not my fault!" numerous times.



I don't feel like I hear that phrase much in Japan.




You can be cause a meiwaku in Japan without something necessary being your "fault." That being said, causing meiwaku still makes you feel like total crap.

人のせいじゃないよ迷惑。私は、この迷惑を[仕方がない迷惑] と呼ぶ。

I call this “unpreventable meiwaku.” 


People around me tried to encourage me and say there was absolutely nothing I could do. I mean, I get it. My head gets it, but not my heart.


Somehow, the weight of meiwaku has helped me see something I haven't seen before.



Perhaps, this experience has qualified me to be Japanese.



Perhaps I am not turning Japanese, but have completely turned Japanese.


Twitter: @annecrescini

Instagram: @annechan521

Facebook: Anne Larson Crescini

YouTube: アンちゃんのことばカフェ