
More than anything in the world, I want to be Japanese.



The other day a friend asked me, “What do you get out of becoming a Japanese citizen?”



I have never thought about the naturalization process like that. I have never thought about what I would “get.”



I mean, what would I get out of it? Are there good points about giving up my U.S. citizenship and turning Japanese? I’m sure there are. But whether I get anything out of it or not, it doesn’t matter. I just want to be Japanese. More than anything.



So when people asked me “Why? Why do you want to be Japanese?” it is not an easy question to answer.



I used to think that it was because I love Japan, but no, that’s not it. Because I love Japan, I have lived in Japan for 22 years, bought my dream house, and plan to be buried in my beloved city of Munakata.



Because I love Japan, I sent my kids to Japanese school and have done my best to assimilate into the culture.



Because I love Japan, I studied Japanese like crazy.



And because I love Japan, I got permanent residency.



But the more I think about it, I don’t want to become Japanese because I love Japan.



I mean, I can love Japan as a permanent resident. I don’t need to become a Japanese citizen to do that.



Then what is it, exactly?



I started thinking about naturalizing around three years ago.



But the way I feel now, and the way I felt three years ago, are totally different.



Back then, I thought I want to become Japanese because I am crazy about it.



But soon after I started thinking about naturalizing, COVID hit.



All of a sudden, it seemed as if Japanese society was divided into “we Japanese” and “you foreigners.”



I have lived in Japan for so long that sometimes I even forget that I am not Japanese.



But COVID, and the border restrictions that came with it, were harsh reminders that I am definitely not Japanese.



At the beginning of the pandemic, all foreigners, including permanent residents like myself, were banned from entering or re-entering Japan.



Wait...What??  I am a permanent resident! I couldn’t wrap my mind around it.



I am planning on staying here forever. I want to grow old with my best friend. I want to die here.



I never in a million years imagined there would be a day when I wouldn’t be allowed back into Japan.



My whole life is here in Japan. Not just my work, my pension, and my health insurance, but my family, my friends, my hope, my joy and my happiness. Everything.



I was terrified not of leaving, but of not being able to get back in.



And I was sad. Exceedingly sad. No matter how much I may love Japan, my permanent residency only gives me permission to be here. If I want the right to be here no matter what, then well, I have to become Japanese.



And that means giving up my U.S. citizenship. Am I ready to do that?



Yes. Without I doubt, I am.



I realized that the thing I fear the most isn’t sickness or death but being separated from Japan.



I finally found myself here. Here, I am happy. Here, the people around me love and accept me for who I am.



There is no doubt I have found where I belong.



When the border restrictions were finally relaxed, I was able to go to the U.S. to bury my father, who passed away at the beginning of the pandemic.



I was so glad that I finally got to see my mom and brothers.




But as I stood in line at immigration waiting to enter to the U.S., I remember gazing at the blue passport in my hand.



I couldn’t help but feel that it was the wrong color.  A red one would be a much better fit.



I think that is the moment I decided that I really do want to be Japanese.




Thanks to Japan’s border restrictions, I realized one reason why.



I want to know that I can always be here, in Japan, where I belong--no matter what. Whether I am sick or healthy. Whether I am rich or poor. Whether I am happy or sad. And whether there is a raging pandemic or incredibly tranquility.



I want to live here forever--with the Japanese people whom I love.



When I am sick, I want to be treated at a Japanese hospital.



When I am old, I want to live in a Japanese nursing home with my Japanese friends.



And when I die, I want to be buried here, in Munakata.



If I become a Japanese citizen, I can do all that.



It will give me the legal right to be in the place that I know in my heart I belong.



So, am I “getting anything out of” wanting to become Japanese?  Perhaps my reasons are purely emotional and of the heart. Perhaps some will see them as being romantic but not practical. But I know that becoming Japanese will give me an assurance that cannot be measured, counted, or bought.



But I don’t think that’s the only reason want to be Japanese.



Only I still don’t know what the all the other reasons are.



And I don’t think I need to.



All I can say is that deep inside me, there is a longing, even a need to be Japanese.



So no matter how long it takes, how much energy I expend, or how much money it costs, I won’t give up until I can say those beautiful words, “I am Japanese.”



So yeah, I don’t want to be Japanese because I like it here. My feelings for Japan have exceeded like and even love, I think.



People often say to me, “Annechan, you must have been Japanese in a previous life!” Well, I am not sure about previous lives or future ones. But there is only one thing I know for sure.



Now, in this moment, I just want to be Japanese. More than anything.



Whether I get anything out of it or not.



I just want to be Japanese.





P.S. I have just begun gathering together all the necessary documents for the naturalization process. My husband, kids, mom and brothers are completely supportive of my decision.

 It’s a long process so cheer me on!!! 


Twitter: @annecrescini

Instagram: @annechan521

Facebook: Anne Larson Crescini

YouTube: アンちゃんのことばカフェ