

去年の今頃、私は [日本に住んでよかった!] と思った。

Last year at about this time, I remember thinking. “I sure am glad I live in Japan.” 



My home country of America was being overrun with COVID-19, and it seemed like everyday I saw a rebellious anti-masker or a delusional President Trump on TV. As I watched America descend into chaos, it became more and more a far away place to me—not only physically far but also emotionally. For the life of me, I couldn’t understand why people wouldn’t wear a mask to protect those around them or freaking stay home. 



And here in Japan, things were way different. When the first State of Emergency, which had no legal power to force people to obey it, was declared last April, most people obediently stayed home, and didn’t cross prefectural lines. I hardly ever saw anyone not wearing a mask. Everyone around me was like, “We gotta bear it for the sake of our country!” I mean, this situation wouldn’t last forever, right? Surely it would over by the fall. 



Thanks to this attitude, the first wave of COVID-19 was quickly brought under control. 



I was so impressed. What the heck was it about this crazy national character of the Japanese? I mean, they listened to the government’s simple yoroshiku onegaishimasu? This would never happen in America. Three cheers for the Japanese! 



It was here that I think two dangerous assumptions were born in the government’s mind.


まず、日本の国民は素直だから、「我慢しよう!スティホームしよう! よろしくお願いします!」と頼んだら、いつまでも従うやろう、という1つ目の思い込みが生まれた。つまり、日本人の国民性を利用しているって感じ。

The first was this. Japanese people are docile and obedient. So no matter how much we ask them to suck it up or stay home, they will. It’s almost like they are manipulating the people with the words gaman and yoroshiku.



And here’s the second one. We Japanese are not like those in other countries. We are more hygienic, healthier, stronger. 



I mean, the number of COVID cases and deaths inAmerica and Italy was off the charts. And yet, here in densely populated Japan we were doing great. I’m sure there are those who thought, “There must be something special about us!” To be honest, I thought the Japanese must be like Superman or something. 



But if you think like that, there is no urgency to enact any measures to get corona under control. It’s kinda like, well let’s just do what we can now and see what happens. 



 Of course no one could for see that the virus was going to spread like it is now. But anticipating what might happen, and thinking up policies to keep that from happening, is what the government is supposed to do.



So those two assumptions gave birth to the chaos we are now experiencing.



The first State of Emergency was declared for the entire country and all schools were closed. The period was set, stimulus money was distributed equally, and there was a feeling be it ever so slight, that the government was trying to relate to the people and make their lives easier. 



It was hard to stay home during the Golden Week Holidays, but many people thought, “We will be able to see our families by Obon, right?” 



The country was united in the fight against COVID.


But then the second, third, and fourth waves of virus came one after the other, and the people were asked not to just sacrifice their Golden Week, but also their Obon, Silver Week, Christmas, New Years, and now, Golden Week once again. 



Someone from the government is always on TV saying, [Suck it up. Stay home. Don’t visit your family.]



But let’s have the Olympics. 



What the government is constantly asking of the people is astounding. 



But what is the government doing for the people?



Did the year of sacrifice bring any progress in the fight against COVID? 



While the people were sacrificing for a year, they didn’t strengthen the medical infrastructure, and as a result even though the number of corona cases are relatively few compared to other foreign countries, the medical system is constantly on the verge of collapse. As a result, there seems to always be a State of Emergency in effect somewhere.



They did a crappy job of shutting the borders, so various variants of COVID have poured into the country faster than we can count. 



For some reasons foreigners were controlled kinda strictly, but Japanese citizens were able to freely come and go. 


政府は、「うちら日本人は外国人みたいじゃないんだ。外国人は、海外からウイルスを持ち込むけど、日本人はそうしないけん、厳しくせんでいいやん」 と思ったのかな。

Ah, that’s right! We Japanese are not like the foreigners. They are gonna bring corona back from overseas, but we Japanese won’t. So we can be lax on them.



Of course there are cases of foreigners who brought corona into Japan. But how about the Japaneseliving or working abroad who surely brought it back with them, too? 



But at the end of the day, you can blame neither the foreigners or the Japanese. Responsibility for controlling immigration falls completely with the government.



I mean, Japan is an island nation, so they should have been about to snuff out corona like New Zealand and Australia did, two countries with zero cases of COVID. 



But because the government always put the econony first, they never really shut the borders, properly locked down the country, and are insisting on holding an Olympics  that almost no one wants.



But ironically, because COVID is not under control,the economy can’t recover anyway. 



The half-heartedness of everything is unbelievable



Nobody in the government wants to take responsibility for anything so they are just tossing responsibility to the people.



And then blame the people for letting their guard down instead of considering that their lame containment policies may be to blame. 


どこの地域が[緊急事態宣言]で 、どこの地域が、[蔓延防止装置]が発令されとるのか、ようわからん。毎日、どこかの都道府県から新しい要請が出るけん、ついていかれんくなった。

I have no idea where there is a State of Emergency, and where there is the lighter measures being enacted. Seems like there’s a new SOS coming from some prefecture in Japan everyday.



Each area has such different measures to try to curb the spread of corona, most of which make no sense. 



For example, 



Amusement parts, karaoke, and department stores are dangerous. So let’s close them.



Oh, and movie theaters, too. Even though nobody talks there.



But pro sports events with thousands of people and schools with super spreader kids seem to be ok.



I don’t get it.



Anyway, let’s just blame the restaurants and bars.



They are easy targets.



And let’s just randomly distribute money. 



Let’s just throw it around without thinking about who really needs it. 




The Japanese character is amazing. They work hard and endure much while thinking of the common good. 



But even the resilient Japanese have a limit. The government needs to realize that. 



Don’t you feel the radical difference in people’s attitudes and behavior between last year and now?



It seems the entire country is acting like a rebellious teenager. 


バリ我慢したのに、私のために何もしてくれていない政府の要請への答えは、「しらん!相当我慢してきたのに、何もよくならない。むしろ、悪化しつつある。ワクチンもできないし、お金もない。オリンピックのために、全国民を犠牲にしよる。とりあえず、政府が私を守ってくれないけん、自分で身を守るしかない! と思っている人は少なくはないと思う。

Perhaps many people are thinking like this. “We have spent an entire year sacrificing but nothing is getting better. In fact, it’s getting worse. We can’t get vaccinated and we have no money. The entire country is being sacrificed for the sake of the Olympics. So I have no choice to protect myself since the government is doing nothing to protect me. I’ll wear my mask, sanitize my hands, and live my life.”



It’s really too bad.



Of course there are many who feel like this but arestaying home anyway. But unfortunately, many others have given up. 


「危機感がない!コロナ慣れしている!気を緩めた人のせいでこうなっている!」 とよく聞く。


You often hear people say, people have no sense of danger! They are too used to COVID! They are letting their guard down! Too be sure, each person’s actions contribute to the control of COVID.




But I think people here in Japan are just tired. They are tired of being asked and asked and getting nothing in return but never-ending fear and insecurity. 



They want to see their friends and family. 



And they have lost faith in the Japanese government. 



A leader has unmeasurable responsibility on his shoulders. 



A leader can ask much if his people, but in return he must both protect them and assuage their fears. 


He must show his people he understands their feelings. 




Prime Minister Ardern of New Zealand completely locked down her country and closed the borders last spring.  But at the same time, she went on Facebook live to show her people that she understands their suffering and that she herself was suffering, too. But she told them that together, we will get through this and be stronger. 



She has eradicated COVID from her country with her fierce leadership, and there are currently zero cases there. 



I don’t think the  Japanese government cannot relate to its people or understand how the average citizen feels at all. 



The people are realizing that. And they are rebelling and giving up. 



During the past year, I have witnessed the slow erosion of the many of the qualities that I love so much about the Japanese people—including endurance and sacrificing for the good of the group. 



But it is not really dying, but rather being withered away by poor leadership.



That’s just a crying shame. 



But I believe that can be restored by trustworthy leadership. 



The government needs to realize that even the incredibly resilient Japanese people have a limit. 



And they need to stop asking the people for endless sacrifices, but instead show the people that they are desperately trying to protect them. 



And they are really trying to understand them.


 永遠に物事を検討したり、なんでも遅く決めたりすることじゃなくて、リーダーらしく, 決定的に強くコロナを収束させる対策をしないかん。

And stop discussing everything to death and making decisions that are way too late while COVID overruns the country. Rather, they need to do what real leaders do—act decisively to do whatever it takes to bring COVID under control. 



If they do that, I believe that I will once again see the wonderful Japanese traits that I love so much come back to life again. 



So please, Prime Minister Suga, please let us get vaccinated. 



Not even warriors can fight a battle without a weapon. 



So please, Prime Minister Suga, please let us get vaccinated. Be a strong leader and protect your people who are just doing the best they can. 





 世界観を知ると人は変わる | Anne Crescini | TEDxFukuoka“Understanding Worldview Changes Us” アン・クレシーニ / 教育者、ブロガーアン・クレシーニは福岡県に拠点を置くスピーカー・作家・教師・ブロガー。彼女のバイリンガルブログ「アンちゃんから見るニッポン」では、17年間の日本での経験と見解を用いて言語と文化について博多弁と英語の二か...リンクyoutu.be





若者の可能性を引き出す魔法 | Anne Crescini | TEDxFukuoka | Anne Crescini | TEDxFukuokaアン・クレシーニ教育者、ライターアン・クレシーニは福岡県に拠点を置くスピーカー・ライター・教師・テレビコメンテーター・ブロガー。彼女のバイリンガルブログ「アンちゃんから見るニッポン」では、20年間の日本での経験と見解を用いて言語と文化について博多弁と英語の2ヶ国語で書いており、日本全国より何千人もの人に愛読されて...リンクyoutu.be














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