






There’s something stressing a lot of people out these days. 



They are gaining weight because they are stuck inside during the corona outbreak. 


コロナのおかげで(せいで?) 新しい日本語がたくさん生まれた。

Many new words have been born as a result of this pandemic. 




何でも[太り] に付ける日本語が好き。

I love how Japanese stick futori on everything.



So how do you talk of the weight gain experienced during the corona era, and the weight loss you will work hard at after? Well, that’s what I’m gonna teach you today. 


[太る] と[痩せる] って、英語で何という?


多くの日本人はget fatやweight upと、言ってしまう。

Most people say “get fat” or “weight up.” 



Both are unnatural. 


weight upは、和製英語っぽい。英語圏では言わない。

Weight up sounds like Japanese English, and we don’t say it in the English-speaking world.


次は、get fatです。

Next, get fat.


日本にきたばかりの頃、日本人では、[太った?] は、挨拶みたいなもんと言うことに気づいた。



When I came to Japan, I realized quickly that many people ask you if you gained weight almost like a greeting. If you asked someone that in the States, there’s a good chance they would burst out in tears. They’d think, “Why’d that guy say such a rude thing?” So if you go to America, definitely avoid that greeting. 


ちなみに、[老けた] も言わんでね。アメリカ人の友達は、ずっと日本の同僚に[老けたね] [太ったね]と言われたけん、泣いてしまった。

悪気がなかったと思うけど、アメリカでそういうことは言わないから、気をつけてね![痩せたね!] とバリ喜ぶけど!


By the way, don’t tell someone they have aged either. My American friend was traumatized because she was constantly told her face had aged or she had gained weight. Of course the speaker had no ill intent, but in America we definitely don’t greet people like that so be careful!!! Americans love it when you notice they lose weight, though! 


そして、もしその挨拶を英語で、[Did you get fat?] と聞いたら、もっと激しく泣くかも。get fatは、日本語でいうと、[デブになる。] 相手に絶対に言わないし、誰について話している時でも言わない方がいい。get fatは、かなり失礼だ。


And if you say in English, [Did you get fat?] the poor American will cry even harder. It’s too straight and means debu ni naru. In English, you don’t say this to or about another person. It’s pretty rude. 



You can use it when referring to yourself as much as you want, though!


“Geez, I’ve really gotten fat! I need to lose weight.”




lose weight (痩せる)

gain weight (太る) です。


The safest, most basic words to use are “lose weight” and “gain weight.”


英語でこういう風にlose weight/gain weightが、使われている。

Here’s how you use them. 




"I gained weight after coming to Japan."



"I want to lose weight by summer vacation."



“You look great! Have you lost weight?” 




“Many people are gaining weight and have gotten out of shape since the corona outbreak began.” 


 ただ、数字が入ると "weight" を使わない。下記の文章を見てね。

However, if you talk about how much you’ve lost or gained, you don’t use “weight.”



"I gained 20 kilograms in high school."




"My brother lost 5 kilograms because he stopped drinking."



“I’ve gained 5 kilograms since the corona outbreak began.”



Got it?? 




Gaining weight due to corona is no fun, but there are many people suffering way more than we are. Let’s be thankful we have our health. 





The gyms may be closed, but nature is always open. So let’s get outside and move those bodies! We can still go for a walk or go for a hike. Of course, avoiding crowds... 



And I know the stress of it all makes you feel like drinking, but all in moderation! 



As for me, I’m totally into wine and kakipi these days. But I don’t wanna get fat, so all in moderation. 



Well, maybe on the wine, but I’m eating way too many kakipi....


追記。。全ての日本人が、[老けた] [太った] などを相手にいうわけじゃない。




P.S. I know that not all Japanese people make comments like “Did you get fat?” “You’ve aged!” My Japanese friend was appalled when Ibtold her this story. But it’s happened to me several times, so there are those who say it. 





Perhaps it’s a compliment?

You look so healthy!!



At any rate, cultures use words differently, so let’s keep that in mind!